Lakeland Police Department
TIME LINE 12:00pm – Registration Table opens 3:00pm – Lime Street closes at Sikes and Lake Beulah to PARADE Traffic only. Lime is open for Blake Elem but shut down afterwards. 4:30pm – Lakeland Center lot closed ( no Traffic should come in) 5:00pm – Staging Lots are closed. NO ACCESS. 5:30 to 6:00pm – All roads shutdown by COMMAND. 6:00pm – All Participants in the parade must be in place. 6:30pm – Pro floats move out onto lime. 6:00pm – Route Closes 7:00pm – Parade Starts 7:00pm – FIREWORKS at Lake Mirror.
TRAILER PARKING FOR FLOATS East of Pro Floats in South Lot of TLC Max length of trailers in parade is 40 Foot If float vehicle breaks down, attempt to pull to side of roadway and notify closest Police Officer to advise LPD Command.
Do not throw candy or other items from the floats to those in the audience, nor may someone walking beside the float and conduct handouts. If your float becomes disabled, please make every attempt to move it out of the way so others may maneuver by. A wrecker will be stationed near the parade route. This can create huge gaps which we are trying to control. If you have marching groups please be mindful of when you are able to stop and perform and when not. If possible, do not stop and perform. This causes gaps which causes additional problems. Ensure all members on the floats are fastened in securely in some fashion.
Do not allow anyone to ride in the bed of a pickup truck or like vehicle that has a gooseneck or fifth wheel. When turning the vehicle it may causes injury to those in the bed. Do not allow anyone to sit by a generator that is running. The lack of oxygen may cause injury. Turn your headlights off. If not able to, then you must provide some type of coverage so the lights do not shine in the other drivers or spectators eyes. When off loading your floats or the like, please do so with safety and thoughts of others in mind. Do not leave your vehicle parked by your float or the drop off point for your float. This causes a traffic flow problem and vehicles will be towed. Please park your vehicles in another parking lot nearby. Hydration and trip hazards.
STAGING AREA GATES closing at NOON on the Lemon St side. All access will be off of Lime Street. Drop offs will most likely be making u-turns and back out to Sikes or Lake Beulah. Access will be more restricted this year as the afternoon progresses. Do not expect to drive in float areas after 5:00pm. You will be told to walk. Tow vehicles and support vehicle by 5:00pm. Once float movement starts and road is shut down, if you are late, you are late and will be walking – please communicate this to your participants so they don’t get mad at us for not allowing them vehicular access. YOUNG KIDS DROP OFF – 10 and under has been a problem. Parents can park and walk them in after 1700 (5pm). Representatives for Floats with children must remain until all children are picked up.
Parking Pass for floats and vehicles to be allowed in – pre authorized to be there. “Pie plate” for vehicles actually in parade or support vehicle – all others will be required to go elsewhere (north of Lime and south of Arena)