OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO4 - Creating Business Documents Mr Farmer
Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Create business documents such as letters, newsletters, invoices, flyers (posters) and business cards. What I am Looking For (WILF): A Flyer Advertising the Lime Light Drama Production 3 Business Cards – 1 for Paul Chester, 1 for Nicky Dawson and 1 for Ian Pearson A mail merged letter explaining about a trip. A 4 page newsletter for the school Completed A04_Spell_Check_Evidence.doc
Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction Candidates will create straightforward business documents. These will include a letter and at least two other documents such as a business card, flyer, newsletter, invoice, memo, agenda, report or minutes. At least one document will include graphics using more than one source, eg clip art, the World Wide Web, scanner, digital camera, drawing package, spreadsheet or database. These may have been produced using standard templates. The documents will have been checked using a spelling checker but some errors may remain. Candidates will create at least four types of business document, including a letter and a document of more than one page including tables, graphs and charts created in other software. Text, tables and graphic images from a range of sources will be integrated into at least one document and these will be positioned and formatted appropriately. Although documents may be based on standard templates there will be evidence of the use of a range of software tools and facilities and these will have been used appropriately. They will include graphics from a range of sources. There will be some consistency to the layout of the documents, although there may be some exceptions. They will use spelling and grammar checks and will edit the documents to improve and correct them so that few errors remain. Candidates will create at least four types of business document, including a mail merged letter and a document of several pages including tables, graphs and charts created in other software. They will insert fields, including date and document information. They will include graphics from a wide range of sources. Documents will display a consistent house style designed by the candidate and an extensive range of software tools and facilities will have been used. All documents produced will have been thoroughly checked using spelling and grammar checkers, and proof read, so that they are virtually error-free, and of a near professional standard.
AO4 Business Documents You need to create 4 business documents for the Lime Light Drama Production and St James School. –Flyer – Advertising the production –Business Cards – 1 for each of the Lime Light Drama team (Paul, Nicky and Ian) –Mail Merged Letter – Giving details of a trip for the Lime Light Drama Team. –Newsletter – Showing what is happening at St James.
Flyer Create a flyer for the school production (Sweet Charity) using Microsoft Publisher, Macromedia Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop. Flyer information Example flyers Help PowerPoint
Business Cards You need to create 3 business cards using Microsoft Publisher, Macromedia Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop. 1.Paul Chester – Head of Drama 2.Nicky Dawson – Student 3.Ian Pearson – Student Business Card information
Mail Merged Letter You need to create a mail merged letter in Microsoft Word. Your letter should give details of a reward trip for all cast members and contain a reply slip. Letter Help PowerPoint Reply Slip Example Letter 1 Example Letter 2 Proof Reading Work How to mail merge and mail merge informationHow to mail merge mail merge information
Newsletter You need to create a 4 page newsletter that contains tables, graphs and charts created in other software. You can use Microsoft Publisher, Macromedia Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop. Sample Information Example Newsletter
Spell Check Evidence You must provide evidence that you have spell checked each of your business documents. Complete A04_Spell_Check_Evidence.doc using print screens to prove you have checked your documents. A04_Spell_Check_Evidence.doc