Lime Survey Training For School Managers and Program Associates
Introductions Please introduce yourself Name Program/school Upcoming courses and start dates What are you hoping to get out of today’s session?
Today’s Session Usability Testing Context and minimal instruction See how you do on your own Share with your neighbour Fill in the details with training training document to use on your own Program Admin Group for support Report technical issues to helpdesk Available for questions/queries on how best to set something up
Purpose To improve services to students, Moodle 2 will only contain courses Surveys will no longer be run on either Moodle platform after July 2012 Lime Survey will be the central location for all feedback surveys Eventually, it may house other types of surveys
How it works Program Associates have access to ‘create surveys’ Have full access to: Surveys you’ve created Surveys others have granted you permissions to Grant others permissions to your manage your surveys Students do not need to ‘log in’ to respond to the survey
Responding to surveys Students respond to the survey using a ‘token’ that is ed to them from Lime Survey Tokens track whether or not a student has responded but have no connection to the actual responses Survey creators (PAs) can see who has responded Token management allows you to send reminders or resend invitations if you have additional people to send to
Creating Tokens Tokens can be generated one person at a time Firstname, Lastname, address Upload a list of students (.csv file) Bulk generate tokens Auto-creation of token source files Similar to Distribution lists Created on Program and Course Start dates Updated nightly
Process for administering a feedback survey Create a survey template to be used for all surveys Create a new survey based on a ‘copy’ of the template survey Name it appropriately to reflect the course or program Upload token file and generate tokens Send to students from within Lime Survey using token management tools Review results and generate PDFs
Timelines Training is scheduled throughout June Platform will be live, in production by early July Standard questions will be provided in the future Reporting will be set up in Q3 or Q4 once we have some data to compare
Support We’ll work directly with those with programs starting between Jun 1 st – Oct 1 st Training materials (videos) are available at Computer Services – 1 st level support Web Systems – 2 nd level support Program Associates group gram-community-support-group gram-community-support-group
Token files O:\Staff\Limesurvey_Resources