Trinidad Carnival Part 2
Bellwork: Define Terms Harmony: A musical voice that is closely tied to the melody, but remains a secondary part Tonic: The first note of a scale, which serves as a ‘home base’ around which the other resolve Step: notes which are right next to each other Skip: notes that have at least one other note in-between.
Announcements Reading Outline #1 is due tomorrow, Friday. Reading Outline #2 is due Tuesday. Test on Trinidad is this Thursday August 21 st
Outcomes Scholars Will: Grammar: Learn musical terminology and basic facts about the history of the steel drum and calypso. Logic: Compare the rustic sound of the island drums with the refined sound of the desperadoes steel orchestra. Rhetoric: Design your own carnival costume.
Active Listening #2 Calypso Dance What other instruments can you hear in the background? What images come into your mind when you hear this music?
Just the facts Pan Calypso Dance The harmony is played by the double tenor pan and accompanies the melody by the interval of a third. In a steel band there are other instruments that comprise the “engine room”. These instruments include: drum set, conga drum, auto brake drum, maracas, claves, guiro and cowbell.
Famous Steel Bands Desperadoes Invaders Trinidad All-Steel Percussion Orchestra
Band Names Bands were also named after famous American movies and film stars—for example, the band “Casablanca”
Video clip- The Desperadoes, Live!
Snapshot Describe the stage presence of the performers—how are they engaging the audience? Are multiple musicians playing each part? Which steel drum types do you see?
Active Listening: Symphony in C, 4 th movement While you are listening to this song answer the following questions: How are dynamics (loud and soft) utilized in this piece? Can you hear more than one melody?
Just the Facts, Pan Symphony in C The steel drums in this excerpt are reminiscent of a calliope, a pipe organ used in carousels. The genre of this piece is classical. The instruments used in this example are of a higher quality than the instruments heard in examples 1 and 2. A person who takes an existing piece of music and transcribes it for a different setting or ensemble is called an arranger. Besides the melody in this piece there is also a counter-melody, a tune added to the melody, literally meaning “against the melody”.
The Big Picture: The steel band movement is a peoples’ movement.
CFU: Whiteboards Write down the answer to the following questions. Turn over your whiteboard When I say, raise your whiteboard in the air.
Q1 What is the first note of a scale, which serves as a ‘home base’ around which the other resolve?
Q2 The following instruments drum set, conga drum, auto brake drum, maracas, claves, guiro and cowbell make up what important section of the steel band?
Q3 In Calypso Dance, what type of pan plays the harmony?
Q4 The sound of the steel drums in Symphony in C are reminiscent of what carnival instrument?
Carnival—Pre-knowledge What American city is famous for its carnival celebration? What does Carnival mean in Latin? What role does religion play in carnival? How are costumes used in carnival?
Guided Notes— Carnival! In Trinidad, to lime means to enjoy oneself. The biggest “lime” is Carnival! The steel band competition in carnival is called Panorama. To jump up means to dance. A mas is short for masquerade, it is a costume ball. The tradition of carnival occurs in countries with a history of Catholicism and slavery.
The Canboulay Procession The burning of the cane was a ritual performed on the first day of carnival. Since slaves were brutally forced to extinguish cane fires, the act of setting them showed a reversal of power symbolizing the freed Trinidadians right to celebrate carnival.
CFU: Answer One The Canboulay Procession. How did it serve to empower the emancipated slaves? What does it represent?
Empowerment through parody Carnival empowers people to mimic those in power through satire and comedy.
CFU: Speechify To Speechify is to use extravagant language to harass victims in a playful banter. Choose a partner, or create an invisible foe and write out a script of playful banter—be creative in your insults, and be gentle =) Use creative similes and metaphors to bate your opponent.
The plays the thing: Characters of Carnival Pierrots are clowns who engage in verbal combat. Pierrot Grenaades are clowns who are boastful pretentious scholars. Wild Indians are from the Warrahoun tribe of the Orinoco delta. The Road March King is the calypsonian whose calypso is most frequently played during the road march. Midnight robbers are gunslingers dressed in Elizabethan costumes decorated with symbols of death. Fancy Indians are characters derived from American Western movies. Soucouyants are vampire witches. Diablesses are devils and devilesses.
Check for understanding: Design it. Choose one of the characters that make up carnival. Pretend you have saved all your money from the year to invest in your carnival costume. Create a costume of your own design for the character you chose. Select colors for the costume—specify materials you will use for the various parts of the costume. Use the blank paper provided to draw your design.
Exit Ticket 1. This occurs when pitches in a melody are right next to each other: ___________. 2. Name a few instruments that could be members of the “engine room”: 3. A person who takes an existing piece of music and transcribes it for a different setting or ensemble is called an _________________. 4. _________________ are clowns who engage in verbal combat.