Construction Cost Estimating Class #7 - Masonry Prof. Ralph V. Locurcio, PE
About Masonry Construction Masonry Walls CMU Block Reinforcing bars Structural Brick Brick Veneer Mortar Example
What is Masonry Construction? Bricks and CMU blocks Available in many sizes, grades, and textures Plans and Specs will determine size, color, etc. Specs will also determine the joint and type of mortar to use
Many different types The components block Block or brick Reinforcement Mortar Grout Imbeds Anchor bolts
Bars run in horizontal & vertical directions Typical spacing 32” OC Additional bars added around openings
Adds strength to CMU or Brick wall U-shaped CMU block filled with cement Rebars provide lateral strength Forms a horizontal “beam”
100 feet 10 feet 4 feet 32” 2 feet
1136 blocks 225 blocks = 8” = 16”
Bond Lintel Bullnoze
2” x 8” Bracing
Structural Brick
The brick veneer must bear on a footing, foundation, wall or steel ledger, and this is created by bolting a steel angle iron to the wall. A typical steel lintel is 4” Package includes: Brick Weather Barrier Lintels Mortar Ties
What is Mortar??
Mixture of cement, sand & lime Binds the blocks/bricks together Seals against the elements Lime adds workability, elasticity, water retention Sand acts as a filler and aggregate Mortar is often colored
Masonry consists of: Block Structural Brick Brick Veneer Work package for block and structural brick Block or brick Reinforcement Mortar Grout Imbeds Anchor bolts
The work package for Brick Veneer includes: Brick Weather Barrier Lintels Mortar Ties
1.Chapter 6…. handout Problems 6-7, 8, 9, 10 Problem Problems with HW #2 Calculations missing/incomplete Difficult to understand Materials missing Incorrect costs Didn’t use estimating template Some gave too much credit