Health Insurance for International students
Euromut welcomes you to Belgium! Belgium is a very attractive country for students! Make your educational life in Belgium as adventurous and educational as possible, but live it the safe way by making sure that you have the necessary health insurance coverage
It is important to register in a national health insurance even if you have an international private insurance ! Why? Private insurance takes time to reimburse Hospitalization costs are high and must be paid directly to hospital without a SIS card (proof of national health coverage) Paying such a bill up front is often unmanageable for students
If registered in a Belgian health insurance, you will benefit from reimbursements when: visiting a doctor buying medicines going to hospital
When registering, you will receive some important documents: SIS document Identification Stickers Always keep these documents with you!
Reimbursement system Health insurance provides reimbursement for medical care: ± 70% general care Free choice Free choice of doctor/hospital waiting list No waiting list Cash Cash payment Quality of doctors No referral needed Visit at home (day, night, weekend)
Pay the full amount Doctor delivers you a « Medical attestation » whitegreen,blue orange Can be white, green, blue or orange Affix an identification sticker on the top of it Send it to your health insurance company While visiting a doctor Health insurance will reimburse +/-70% of the legal price on your bank account
In Belgium, doctors can be committed or not (conventionné/non-conventionné): A committed doctor will respect the legal fee A non-committed doctor may ask supplements If your doctor is non-committed, price at your charge will be higher. The best way to know if a doctor is committed or not, is to ask him/her.
Show your SIS card when going to buy some medicines and when going to hospital. Thanks to your SIS card, you will just pay the remainder fee. The part paid by your health insurance will be directly deducted from the bill. At the pharmacy & hospital
At hospital personal share is influenced by choice of hospital and type of room Costs are considerably higher if single room If you don’t have an extra hospitalization insurance ask for a common room ask to be treated by committed doctors Hospital bill will be sent after few weeks
Euromut advantages Wide range of extra reimbursement offered by Euromut: Urgent medical care abroad in Europe /Mediterranean basin Eye care (lenses & glasses) Vaccinations Alternative medicine Sport club subscription Contraceptive pill Homeopathic products Etc… 6,95€/month/householder
To register please visit VUB Euromut Office Pleinlaan Etterbeek Tuesday: 9am to am and 1.30pm to 4pm Thursday: 9am to am and 1.30pm to 4pm
Thanks for your attention!