Classroom Behavior Laura Coonrod Circle Urban Ministries July 2009
Seeing. In a different light.
Darkness. Year two with my Class and still I felt in the dark about teaching, about instructing for change. My class of 26, 3 rd – 5 th graders still seemed to rule over me with their attitudes and behaviors. Until…
Light begins. [to come] I began hearing and seeing different ways to manage a classroom, a way I was not seeing from my co-workers. It was the method of rewarding the good, as opposed to always being consumed with correcting the bad. Attention was what was wanted from my students so why not change what got attention.
Light continues. I make a plan. To begin rewarding the good behavior and see what happens. To put in place clear expectations. I create a sticker chart system. [yep, stickers still work for my 3 rd -5 th graders] There are 5 possible stickers to earn in day. My expectations and sticker chart are posted in my classroom.
Light shines. Within the first week my students run to the sticker chart to check the number of their stickers. Those with the most stickers at the end of the month receive a treat. Behavior in my classroom begins to change as I watch for the good.
Summary of my problem. As my site began it’s program we made the mistake of not creating an overall discipline/reward plan. The lack thereof created some chaos in my room, until I implemented clear expectations of good and unacceptable behaviors. Here are some other ideas that might work for you.
Behavior Chart By Angie Color card system. Each child has a library pocket with 4 cards: green = a good day yellow= warning red= miss recess blue= sad note home and no recess all day Each child in my class has a homework folder that has to be carried home and brought back to school everyday. Each week I stick a behavior chart in their homework folder. The chart is a half sheet of paper with five squares on it (one square for each day of the week). At the end of each day when I pass out homework folders, the children color in on the behavior chart what color their card is on for the day. Behavior charts go home and parents have to initial under the day's square. I also have the color key on the chart so parents know what their child's behavior was like for the day. That way their are no surprises at report card/conference time.
Chance Tickets for Good Behavior As individuals, the students are able to earn "chance" tickets. They get them at random times for doing random things. I pass them out when they're reading quietly, when they're working hard, when they turn work in on time, it's a "chance" that they'll get a ticket. They write their name on their ticket and place it into the "chance" bucket. As a class they also earn whole-class rewards by having excellent behavior. Throughout the week, they determine the number of "chance" tickets that I'll pull each Friday. The better they behave as a class, the more tickets they earn and the better their "chances" are that their ticket will be pulled. I have a prize box with erasers, pens, pencils, and other school supplies, and the students can pick one item if their ticket is pulled. Each child can only pick once each Friday (if I pull a second ticket, it goes back into the "chance" bucket). We also have "Frog-Tastic Friday." Not only do we pull "chance" tickets, but we also do a mail call (we have a class post-office). Students also check their buckets each Friday. We are a Bucket Filling classroom (based on the book Have You Filled A Bucket Today?) and spend the week filling each other's buckets with positive words.
Auction Bucks for Good Behavior! Submitted by Beth from Indiana My students have a chance to be rewarded for good behavior. They can earn a classroom dollar for working quietly, following procedures, etc. Each time I see behavior that I want to reinforce, I hand them a dollar. Students keep track of their money and must be responsible for it until we have a class auction about once a month. Before the auction I allow students to cash in their ones for fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds. They practice counting by 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100's as they count their money. We discuss the procedures for an auction and how to bid. I keep some dollars in my pocket, this way I can look for good behavior wherever we are....hallways, lunch, recess, field trips, etc. I try to get interesting items for my auctions. I like to keep my system focused just on positives and rewarding for good behavior so I don't usually take money away once it is earned but that could be an option if one wanted...if a particular behavior was a problem. There could be a fine. This is a good system because the kids are excited and tell the parents about it so they can monitor and ask their child how much they earned for each day.
Behavior Bingo By firstgraderox I copied two 100 charts and laminated them. One I attached with magnets to the blackboard and the other I cut up and put in a container. I included a few blanks along with the individually cut numbers. The students chose their reward. When the whole class' behavior warrants, I draw a number for a child to read. Then, I color in that corresponding number with crayon or dry erase marker. If a child draws a blank it is their choice of which # I color in. Bingo worthy behavior could include quiet walking in hallway, good behavior at specialist time, cafeteria time, etc. Once a bingo is made, the reward is given, numbers erased and a new reward is voted on.
Behavior Chart Posted by: Bethany I have a behavior chart with library pockets that are numbered. Each child has a number at the beginning of the school year and inside the pocket is an index card. When I see them doing anything pertaining to good behavior, I give them a hole punch on their index card. When they receive 10 punches, I give them a treat out of my prize box. For 20 punches, 10 minutes on the computer. For 30 punches, lunch with the teacher. For 40 punches, homework pass. And 50 punches, 30 minutes free time. Then, I start over again with a new card.
Personalized behavior plan By Doni I have a very difficult student this year that acts out for attention all day. He needs constant reminders, and positive reinforcement to stay on task. He is now on a plan where I have a chart on his desk. I check his behavior and if he is on task for 10 minutes, he gets a sticker. I just walk over to his desk every 10 minutes (I use a timer), and if he is on task, I put the sticker on the chart. When we gets 5 stickers, he goes to the counselor for a reward. It is working, because the time increments are something he can handle. He can't be good for a whole day at a time, nor can he be good for even an hour at a time, but he CAN be good for 10 minutes. Amazingly enough, he's now actually being good for 30minutes-an hour at a stretch, but to him, he is only having to focus on 10 minutes at a time. One thing I would caution is do not take this kid's recess away. Active kids REALLY need recess. This child is in kindergarten. Young children learn through play. I believe one of the major problems we are having with kids at school these days is that too many teachers are taking away recess. These kids need this down time.
And there are many more… Check out these websites: m/classroom-behavior.html
The End.