Welcome to SHAC 101: STARTING A SCHOOL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL It’s Never Too Late…and there is always room for improvement! Please Sign in at the table. Introduce yourself to the people around you. Help yourself to the snacks and drinks. Thank you for being a part of our schools!
Objectives for today’s meeting! SHAC 101: Why are we here? Elect Chair and Co-Chair Brainstorm ideas for eight components of coordinated school health. Prioritize ideas Schedule next meeting
What Are School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs)? A great idea The right thing to do Required by law Representative of the community Volunteer Advisory Potentially impactful
What Is the Law? Required of each school district Majority of members must be parents not employed by the school district Chair or Co-Chair must be a parent Must be comprised of at least 5 members Must meet at least 4 times annually Must report to the board of trustees at least once annually, including the number of times they met during the preceding year and any recommendations or modifications to policy (such as recess) Recommendations must considered by the board of trustees before changing district’s health education curriculum
What Do SHACs Do? Address all eight components of a coordinated school health program. Health instruction Healthy school environment Health services Physical education School counseling Food services School site health promotion for faculty and staff Parental involvement
Rotating Brainstorm Each of the eight components of coordinated school health are represented on a chart. I have put on each chart some information about what is already in place in BLUE, and some examples of new ideas in RED. With a partner, stand by a chart. You will have 3 minutes to brainstorm. All ideas are valid at this point. Add ideas, alter current, write questions or things needing clarification. When I say “rotate”, you will move to the next chart and repeat until you’ve visited each.
Prioritize through a Vote You all have some sticker stars. You have 10 votes. Place your sticker on the area you think we should put at the top of our action priority list. Think about what is fiscally responsible, could make a large impact on overall school health, and what is possible to implement soon.
Schedule Meetings January ? Date/Time February ? Date/Time March (chair and co-chair report to board) April ? Date/Time
Where Can I Learn More? Texas Education Code, Chapter Texas Child Nutrition Policy: Texas Education Laws and Rules: Texas Health and Safety Code:
Where Can I Learn More? SHAC Guide Texas Education Agency, School Health Texas School Health Advisory Committee Healthy Lifestyles Chair, Texas PTA ESC Region 12 shac.htm shac.htm