Year 10 Advertising and Marketing
What is Marketing... DISTRIBUTION CENTRE WHOLESALERS SHOPS (RETAIL OUTLETS) CATALOGUES (MAIL ORDER) INTERNET COMPANIES (E-RETAILERS) Marketing is used to promote, advertise and sell products. When textiles products are ready to be marketed they are normally taken to a distribution centre. From here they can be sent to the other four areas shown in the chart below.
What is Advertising... PROMOTE MORE UP TO DATE OR BETTER PRODUCT LAUNCH NEW PRODUCTS CREATING PRODUCT AWARENESS INFLUENCES OUR PURCHASING OPTIONS ADVERTISING Advertising can be done through several types of media. These include; television, radio, magazines, leaflets, the internet, logos on packaging and clothing. The interior of fashion retailers is a vitally important area for advertising. As advertising can be very expensive, this is a fantastic opportunity to promote the brand/company free of charge. Swing tickets, packaging, instore decoration and point-of-sale
Why is packaging used... PACKAGINGPACKAGING PROTECTS THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT SHOWS ANY RELEVANT INFORMATION ADVERTISES THE PRODUCT SECONDARY PACKAGING This is used for transportation. It can include materials which not only make transportation easier but protect the quality of the articles. PRIMARY PACKAGING This is what the actual product is sold in. It can include materials such as plastic, boxes, wrappings and can be more than one layer.
Types of Labelling... LABELS in clothing are controlled by legislation and can include : COUNTRY OF ORIGIN where the item was manufactured. BRITISH STANDARD NUMBERS This shows any necessary standard numbers for product. FIBRE CONTENT listed in order with the largest amount first. CHEMICAL NAMES must use the correct material names. AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS OR WASHCARE these must be attached accordingly to product. DETAILS OF ITEM This could include the size, style of garment, colours used in manufacture. SAFETY ADVICE LABELLING could be regarding choking hazards for young children, or to keep products away from naked flames.
Consumer Protection... KEY REGULATIONS OF TEXTILES PRODUCTS SALE OF GOODS ACT Description must match the product and be of an above average quality. TRADE DESCRIPTIONS ACT Make only honest claims about product, otherwise it is illegal. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT - Illegal to sell any item that weighs or measures less than what the label indicates. TEXTILE PRODUCTS Fabrics must have attached, a fibre content label by. This is necessary by law and must be listed in descending order. E-COMMERCE (internet shopping) The consumer has the same rights when buying via the internet/mobile phone/catalogue, or in store anywhere in the UK or EU.
Flammability SAFETY AND WARNING LABELLING BABY ITEMS & CHILDREN’S NIGHTWEAR (under 13 years of age) - This MUST carry WARNING SYMBOL. Also must be manufactured from low flammability fabrics. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE – MUST show a SAFETY LABEL. Should show warning about naked flames and include the word ‘RESISTANT’. REMEMBER – PRODUCTS MUST MEET BRITISH STANDARDS FOR LOW FLAMMABILITY IF THEY ARE TO HAVE WARNING/SAFETY LABELLING.
The following information can also sometimes be found on labelling... MANUFACTURER OR DESIGNER LOGO PRODUCT/ITEM NUMBER BARCODE ETHICAL INFORMATION (sustainable resources or organic Labelling is found on most articles of clothing and accessories. These can be categorised by three variations, as follows: PERMANENT-these are actually sewn onto the item SWING LABEL-normally made from plastic or cardboard. Attached to product and includes; price, style number, size, name of retailer STICKER/GUMMED-adhesive sticker with the same information as the swing label but stuck onto the outside of packaging