C LASS 2B Age: 12/13 Students: 26 School subjects involved: Art – English Lessons per week: 1 Objective: To promote good behaviour Product: Selection of Stickers - Drawings or graphic works + slogan, size 21cm x 21cm Technique: Collage
P ROCEDURE Step 1: Analyzing questionnaires and discussing results (October – 4 lessons) Step 2: “What’s good behaviour?”- Brain storming and conceptual map starting from the word BEHAVIOUR. Definition of places and situations requiring codes of behaviour (At school, at the canteen, at the restaurant, travelling, …) (November – 4 lessons)
BEHAVIOUR Family Adults Useful Correct At the table Practising Sport Travelling Disadvantaged people Disadvantaged people Good Behaviour Situations Places/Environment Rules / Codes of behaviour Rules / Codes of behaviour Concerts Ceremonies People School mates People of different culture, religion, language… Museums Monuments Museums Monuments Resturant Hotel Resturant Hotel Home Cinema School Library Shops Respectful RESPECT Parks
We have realized that BEHAVIOUR changes in relation with situations and places. Each situation has its own rules based on RESPECT of people, environment and properties and we must adjust our behaviour to establish good social relations.
P ROCEDURE Step 3: Splitting up the class into 6 groups (four students each). Each group chooses an area in the map (At school, on the bus, with disadvantaged people …) and draws up his own “code of behaviour”. Comparing results. (December – 2 lessons)
P ROCEDURE Step 4: Each group selects a rule in his code and develops a graphic idea to promote a good behaviour. Students draw sketches and find suitable slogans in English. (January– 4 lessons) Step 5: Realization of the stickers (February /March – 6 lessons)
P ROCEDURE Step 6: Each group writes a report of his work and explains the message of his sticker. Translation of the report in English. (March – 2 lessons).
H A N D L E W I T H C A R E - S M A L L A N D B I G S A M E R E S P E C T Social relationships/ Environment Some children, animals or objects are more fragile than others… we have to respect them all, recognize their charcteristics ad adjust our touch and care
L A N D A H A N D T O T H E L A N D Environment We are responsible of the environment where we live. Nature is our home: Let’s keep it clean and safe!
C H O O S E Y O U R G A M E S W I T H Y O U R B R A I N S House Games are a serious thing: let’s choose the ones that train our body and mind without jeopardising ourselves or other people
S S S … L I S T E N T O Y O U R A R T ! Museums and Places of artistic interest Let’s be quiet and listen what artworks have to tell us. We must concentrate to enjoy the beauty of our heritage and appreciate its great value
P S H I N G I S U S E L E S S School/ Transports A very common problem that needs a piece of advise: Pushing doesn’t help children get out of the funnel… it only increases the risk of getting hurt
P L A Y W I T H T H E M, T H E Y A R E N ’ T D I F F E R E N T Social relations/ Disadvantage d children Children with special needs or physical problems can give us friendship and affection. We share a human heart and human feelings, so let’s play together and enjoy each other’s company
R A I S E Y O U R H A N D T O R A I S E Y O U R T H O U G H T S School Lots of thoughts are unexpressed because we feel shy or we are afraid of consequences. Our sticker is an invitation to raise our hand and say, politely, what we think.
R E S P E C T T H E B O O K S, T H E Y L O V E Y O U School Let’s take care of our Books, ‘cause education feeds our knowledge and helps us have a better future
T R Y B E F O R E S A Y I N G N O ! Food Be curious and confident in front of new testes and experiences. Try hard and do your best instead of giving up at the first difficulty
T HAT ’ S ALL FOLKS Thanks for your attention