LONDON 2012 How are you going to get involved? 3 main events
O LYMPIC AND P ARALYMPIC WEEK Aim To celebrate the London 2012 games To experience being park of a team To learn about a new country and its athletes To celebrate and have fun More to follow………..
O LYMPIC AND P ARALYMPIC WEEK 2 nd July – 6 th July Interform style competition Represent a country and learn its language
H AVE A GO AT SPORT Identify something you would like to improve in your PE lessons over the next few weeks. Practise in at least 4 lessons so you and your teacher can see real progress. Write about it in your journal Show tutor Get sticker
B E CREATIVE Challenge yourself to take on a creative project where expressing your ideas is required As a group or individual Write about it in your journal Show tutor Get sticker
T AKE PART IN AN EVENT Take part in one or more events at school that are part of your learning Visit, interform, Olympic week Contribute to the event so you get the most you can from it Write about it in your journal Show tutor Get sticker
A CHIEVE YOUR POTENTIAL Think about someone you admire who has really achieved their potential Consider what is that is admirable and record how they inspire you to try your best Share this with someone else Write about it in your journal Show tutor Get sticker
V OLUNTEER IN YOUR COMMUNITY Write your own ‘volunteer community’ idea Show tutor Get sticker
G ET TRAINED AND INTO A JOB Think about one of your learning targets in maths or English and write it in your journal. Try hard to make progress so that you achieve your target in the next …. Weeks Write about it in your journal Show tutor Get sticker
T HE J OURNAL Collection of all your hard work Stickers Prizes for best journals
KEEP YOUR JOURNAL IN SCHOOL The sport you like The country you’re supporting The athlete you’re following Bring your journals to your PE lesson during Olympic week
Every pupil will go to the Paralympics You will see either: Wheel chair basketball Athletics