 Background to behaviour  Systems in place at Langafel  Main parts of the policy explained.  What happens when an incident occurs with more than one.


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Presentation transcript:

 Background to behaviour  Systems in place at Langafel  Main parts of the policy explained.  What happens when an incident occurs with more than one child.  Home school partnership.  Questions

 Pupils say that typical behaviour in the school is good and any incidents of misbehaviour are dealt with well.  Pupils behave sensibly when moving around the school, in lessons, in the dining hall and in assembly.  Pupils do learn to treat everyone with respect and the school presents itself as a tolerant and caring community

Children behave inappropriately for a reason such as:  Anxiety  Testing boundaries  Distraction  Communication  Jealously  Power  Change

At Langafel we have a consistent approach.  Behaviour policy  Home school agreement  Charters  Good to be Green/Traffic light system  Behaviour logs  Individual behaviour plans  Internal/external exclusions

Each class will use a traffic light system – it is good to be green (KS1) and traffic light cards (KS2). This will be displayed in the classroom alongside the charter. All children will begin each day with a green card. If children do not adhere to the class charter the following steps and sanctions are to be enforced:

 A warning will be given.  Orange Card = 5 minutes off the next play (break or lunch)  Red Card = 10 minutes off the next play (break or lunch)  For more serious behaviour children will be given an immediate red card. At the end of the week if a child has remained green all week they are rewarded with a ‘Good to be green sticker’. If an orange card has been given the children are given a smaller sticker. Finally if a red card was given, no sticker. If poor behaviour occurs in the afternoon time will be taken at playtime the following day. Once pupils have lost their time, their chart will be reset to green.

 A warning will be given.  Orange Card = 10 minutes off the next play (break or lunch)  Red Card = 15 minutes off the next play (break or lunch)  For more serious behaviour children will be given an immediate red card. If poor behaviour occurs in the afternoon time will be taken at playtime the following day. Once pupils have lost their time, their chart will be reset to green. If children miss their whole break they will be given an opportunity to have some fresh air, snack and drink before returning to class.

 All children involved are spoken to as quickly as possible, and given the chance to explain what their perception of the incident is.  Behaviour logs are completed if required.  Consequences are decided upon and completed.  Additional support for each child is agreed.  Staff/parents are informed if required.

Behaviour issues are solved quickly and fairly when:  Communication about incidents is timely and appropriate.  Children see that school and home agree and support good behaviour.  Consequences and reward strategies are supported at home and school.  Children’s perceptions are shared and explained.

 Children want to behave well, it makes them happier.  Consistency is very important.  Dealing with problems quickly makes them easier to solve.  Children’s perceptions will not always be the same.  Home school partnerships are essential.