T ABLE OF CONTENTS Background Survey and Results Sales and Stats Quality Appearance / Usage Packaging Sustainability Solutions
B ACKGROUND O N C AMERA Fuji Quick Snap Flash $ exposures Can function under different lighting Mostly plastic
S ALES AND S TATISTICS NPD Techworld - one-time use cameras continue to grow in sales $1.1 billion annually incr. 6%/yr Hammoch (Fujifilm Market Director) - "It secures three trips to store" Initial purchase, drop-off for processing, return for pick-up Less sensitive to brands, features more of a priority
S URVEY 1. Have you used one? 2. Why and why wouldn't you use one? 3. Who uses them? 4. How would you improve it? 5. Would you buy if more eco-friendly? If so, how much would you spend?
R ESULTS O F S URVEYS 1.. Reasons for Use: o Easy to use o vacations o forgot their digital camera at home o protecting their good camera 2.. Reasons Not To Use: o Not computer friendly 3. Consumer Problems with Cameras: o poor picture quality o no zoom o no instant photos
Q UALITY Photo Center Employee: "I wouldn't buy one because the quality is crap." Cannot focus; set distance for "acceptable" sharpness o 3-4 feet Possible improvements: o Higher quality plastic lenses or glass lenses
A PPEARANCE Interviewees would be more likely to buy one if it looked more like a regular camera Solutions: o Molded plastic on camera front to imitate digital cameras and display logo o Only put sticker on back of camera or eliminate sticker completely
E ASE OF U SE Current design is tedious for photo centers to process Photo Center Employee: "The Kodak ones are easiest to open... some of the other ones have stickers and stuff around them." Solutions: o Only put sticker on back or eliminate completely o Keep directions on camera
P ACKAGING Camera Wrapping o Recycled Paper Box o Post consumer material New look o Smaller
S USTAINABILITY Environmental o Waste o Reuse Economical o Customers o No large changes Social o "Green" Trend
S OLUTIONS KEEP IN MIND COST Sticker only on back or eliminated More appealing design More clear plastic lens Use only recycled packaging instead of glossy Reload and reuse
Label Reduction Molded DesignHigher Quality Lens Recycled Packaging Reload and Reuse Manufacturing Assembly/ Disassembly Cost Environmental Sustainability Quality TotalDevelop ReconsiderDevelop Feasibility Chart
Label Reduction Molded DesignRecycled Packaging Reload and Reuse Manufacturing (20) 3223 Assembly/ Disassembly (20) 3223 Cost (30) 3323 Environmental Sustainability (15) 3334 Quality (15) 3332 Total Weighted Feasibility Chart
REFERENCES HLEAD(Cameras+to+Use+Once%2C+and+Then+Throw+Away)+and+da te+is+June,% HLEAD(Cameras+to+Use+Once%2C+and+Then+Throw+Away)+and+da te+is+June,%