HAHP Health & Safety Induction 2014/15
Introduction Health and Safety Policy The role of the Health and Safety Office & HAHP Health and Safety roles Occupational Health Services Emergency Procedures Discovery of a fire and evacuation procedures Accident and Incident Reporting DSE Assessments Risk Assessments Electrical Safety Key Policies
Health & Safety Policy The University aims to avoid, reduce and control, all foreseeable risks to health & safety of any person(s), as stated in the Health & Safety Policy. Employees have a responsibility to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions or omissions, and also to cooperate with the University on matters of health and safety. Managers and Supervisors who are responsible for either staff or students must adequately supervise work activities to ensure that safe systems are followed. This includes members of faculty who supervise students.
Health & Safety Office Roles Safety advice and carry out safety audits Co-ordinate emergency responses Fire Safety Provide Safety Training Monitor – gases, lighting, noise, asbestos Investigate Accidents and Incidents
HAHP Health & Safety Roles Clive Webb , Acting Head of School, is responsible for the management of health and safety relating to all activities carried out within the area of the University under his control. Deborah Jackson-Smith, as Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC), is the first point of contact for advice or information on all matters relating to Health & Safety. Primary Investigators (PI’s) exercise control over particular areas, activities or processes involving either employees, visitors or students, and are accountable to the Head of School for enforcement of health and safety measures.
Occupational Health Services Promotion of health & well being in the workplace. Advising on compliance with health & safety laws and policies. Ensuring appropriate health screening is carried out for work risks. Vaccinations for work purposes. Advice on sickness and absence – manager’s referrals and staff self referrals and counselling services. For more information visit: www.sussex.ac.uk/humanresources/occupationalhealth
Emergency Procedure FOR ALL EMERGENCIES - fire, first aid, spillages, and emergency services Do not use 999 3333 from any internal phone 01273873333 using a mobile phone Direct connection from blue emergency telephone on campus For Security Services non-emergency: 8234 for Security Services (24hrs) York House 01273678234 using a mobile phone. For more information: www.sussex.ac.uk/efm/services/security
Fire What do you do if you discover a fire? Sound the fire alarm Leave the building by the nearest possible exit and report to the control point between Arts A & B Dial 3333 What do you do if you hear the fire alarm? Fire Alarm Emergency Evacuation: Leave the area or building by the nearest available exit Report to the assembly point outside Chichester 1 DO NOT tackle the fire unless you have been trained and are competent to do so
Emergency Evacuation DO close windows and doors DO NOT tackle the fire unless you are competent DO NOT use lifts under any circumstances DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings DO NOT return to the building until instructed to do so by the person in charge DO NOT PUT YOURSELF AT RISK
Accident/Incident Reporting Advise your HSC (Health and Safety Coordinator) of the accident/incident . HSC completes an online report. HSC advises on any remedial actions required. Safety Office coordinates further investigations if necessary. Safety Office reports some injuries to HSE .
Display Screen Equipment DSE assessments carried out by a trained assessor are available for all staff. Please contact the School Office if you wish to arrange an appointment. Users can complete a self assessment: www.learninglink.ac.uk/keepfit/index.htm If the self-assessment identifies risks and issues, please refer to HSC, who will ensure that your workstation is reassessed by a trained DSE assessor. Remedial actions are implemented by Line Manager. Eye Tests The University is liable to pay for those costs of any spectacles chosen which are attributable to the requirements of the Display Screen Equipment work. For more information: www.sussex.ac.uk/hso/healthandsafety/displayscreenequipment
Risk Assessment overview What are risk assessments? Risk assessments are used to identify hazards and risks. Once these have been identified, processes are put in place to eliminate the hazards and reduce the risks where possible. Who has to do them? Managers and Supervisors must undertake risk assessments for all work activities. This includes external fieldwork (any work carried out by staff or students of the University for the purposes of teaching, research, recruitment activities, attending conferences or otherwise representing the institution in places which may be distant from the institution). Risk Assessment Training The University holds Risk Assessment training sessions for managers and supervisions.
Risk assessment further details If you are organising, or partaking in, any of the following activities you must complete a risk assessment: Fieldwork, Placements, Work Related Driving, Travel, Event Planning For more information and access to forms: www.sussex.ac.uk/hso/healthandsafety/riskassessment New and Expectant mothers also require a risk assessment: www.sussex.ac.uk/hso/healthandsafety/riskassessment/newandexpectantmothers
Electrical Equipment All portable electrical equipment is regularly tested for electrical safety by the University. All privately owned electrical equipment must be approved and tested before use on University premises. To arrange for your electrical equipment (kettles, coffee machines, etc.) to be tested, please contact the School Office who will arrange this with Estates. This must be done for all electrical equipment not currently possessing an up to date safety sticker.
Key Policies Key policies to read and note: Health and Safety Policies can be found at: www.sussex.ac.uk/hso/healthandsafety/policies Key policies to read and note: Display Screen Equipment Driving at work Fire Lone Working Manual Handling Risk Assessment Work Related Stress