Preparing Student Records for Retention Procurement Services May 20, 2013
Information You Will Need Information that will available on the Records Management Website via Intranet: Instructions for Preparing Inactive and Graduate Academic Records for Permanent Storage Certificate of Accuracy Form(s) Additional Listing Sheet Electronic Records Transmittal Form (Save this form as you will the completed form(s) back for pick up and inventory purposes)
Information You Will Need The following items will be delivered via county mail: Computer Generated Name List(s) Enrollment Gap Report (if applicable) New! Labels for permanent records and immediate destruction (purged records)
Information You Will Need The following items will be delivered via county mail: Cartons to be used for permanent records only Carton Bar Codes Records Transmittal numbers assigned for the use with the electronic Records Transmittal Form
Sent Via County Mail
Verify The Name List Verify the name list using the instructions that are available on the Records Management website
Add Additional Names Use this list to add names not on the computer generated list. A separate list is required for any previous years that are being sent it. Only one year per list. Be sure to check the Enrollment Gap Report on the following slide!
Enrollment Gap Report The Enrollment Gap Report shows the names of the students that left your school in the school year, have not been enrolled in a CCSD location for at least a year, and are now enrolled in another location. Please review this report prior to preparing the Additional Names list and forward any files to the current school. Left Acworth at the end of 2010, currently enrolled at Bells Ferry. Send file to Bells Ferry if you still have it. Do not place on Additional Listing form.
Additional Names If you have a file that is not on the name list, is for the same year and not on the Enrollment Gap report, please list them on the Additional Listing sheet. For files from prior years, please check CSIS to see if they are currently enrolled in another school. If not, a separate form for each year is required.
Adding Prior Years Any records from prior years must be packed and listed by year and a certificate of accuracy must be filled out for each year sent for retention. A separate transaction number and transmittal form are also needed
Purge the Files The only records kept in the file are: Permanent record folder with testing result labels attached. The original enrollment form when the Student initially entered the school district. All CCSD final report cards and or final transcripts, including attendance record, from all grade levels.
Purge the Files The only records kept in the file are: CCSD withdrawal forms and requests for records from other schools. District required standardized test information card and/or reports (GHSWT, GHSGT, EOCT), if labels are not attached to the permanent folder. This does not include optional testing reports such as SAT/ACT. Please verify that there are not labels attached to the folder for all grade levels. Do not include the student results copies that were not sent home.
Purge the Files The only records kept in the file are: Legal documents- only those created by the District on District letterhead. All statements submitted on behalf of a parent/guardian /student after a hearing before a Review Board to challenge the contents of a record, if the record referred to in that statement is also maintained. See Administrative Rule JRA (Student Records).
Purge the Files The only records kept in the file are: All other information shall be removed from the cumulative record.
What Stays in the File? Permanent record folder with testing result labels attached Self explanatory
What Stays in the File? All report cards/transcripts. This will be all grades that are available, K-12. Attendance recaps on these records will cover attendance requirements. It does not include individual tests or projects that were not given back to students. Remove records from other school districts if the information has been transferred and incorporated into CCSD records. That school district is responsible for retaining those original records.
What Stays in the File? Original enrollment form Only the original enrollment form when the student entered the District is kept in the permanent folder
What Stays in the File? District required standardized test information card and/or reports (GHSWT, GHSGT, EOCT) Only if results labels are not attached to the permanent folder. This does not include optional testing reports such as SAT/ACT. If labels of the scores are attached the folder, we will not keep duplicate paper copies. SAT/ACT are voluntary tests and we will only keep stickers attached to the folders. The students receive the results from the agencies and can request the results as needed if they misplace their personal copies. Please be sure to check all grade level testing paperwork for labels
What Stays in the File? Legal documents only those created by the District on District letterhead. We will not keep any personal legal documents such as divorce, name change, custody, birth certificates, etc. The originating agency is responsible for the retention of these records, as is the parent. The district cannot certify these documents.
What Stays in the File? All statements submitted on behalf of a parent/guardian/student after a hearing before a Review Board to challenge the contents of a record, if the record referred to in that statement is also maintained. See Administrative Rule JRA (Student Records). Self explanatory
What Stays in the File? All other information shall be removed from the cumulative record We will not keep any personal information that identifies the student or their parent. No medical records (immunizations, hearing, etc) as these are required only when the student is in school and in most cases is invalid after a year absent. The district did not create these records nor can we certify these records. No financial or other personal documents such as utility bills for residency or letters of merit. No yellow cards. No withdrawal forms from other schools. If you have any questions regarding what stays in the file, please
Packaging the Files After you have verified and purged all of the files for retention, place them in the cartons that were sent from the Warehouse in alphabetical order. Please be sure to leave enough space to easily add or remove files. Verify the contents of each carton and label them according to the supplied instructions. Orange labels for retention, green labels for immediate destruction.
Packaging the Files Bar codes are only required on retained cartons. Be sure you do not put green destruction labels on boxes containing the permanent student records!
Packaging the Files Fill out the orange retention or green destruction label as instructed Attach the orange or green label and bar code to the box as shown in the picture. Bar codes are required only for retained records
Completing the Transmittal Form The transmittal form must be filled out using the Excel form and you must the completed form to You will need a separate form for each transaction number. Note: there are 10 tabs on the excel form for large transactions.
Frequently Asked Questions Do I keep all enrollment forms permanently? Only the original enrollment form when the student first entered the District is kept in the permanent folder.
Frequently Asked Questions Do I need to keep RTI folders? No. RTI folders have a two (2) year retention after the student has left the school district. They will most likely be purged and sent for destruction with other items from the files.
Frequently Asked Questions Can I use any kind of box for the student records? No. The permanent student records must be packaged in the boxes supplied by Records Management for storage purposes. The records that are purged or other records that are packaged for immediate destruction may be put in any box as long as it does not exceed the size and weight of a standard paper box.
Frequently Asked Questions Are the bar code labels required to be placed on boxes for immediate destruction? No. Bar code labels are used for inventory purposes and are only required for boxes that are going to be retained for a period of time. Boxes for immediate destruction do not require bar codes.
Frequently Asked Questions Where can I get extra boxes for records? You can request additional boxes for Records Center retention using the eqTransfer program. Boxes are not supplied for immediate destruction.
Frequently Asked Questions How can I get additional labels for the boxes? Send an to with what you need and they will be placed in the county
Frequently Asked Questions Can I just hand write the information on the transmittal form? No. The completed transmittal form must be ed to This form is used in various ways in the retention process and having the electronic version will reduce the potential of keying errors and increase operational efficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions Do I need to keep the hard copies of the standardized test result reports such as ITBS, EOCT, and GHSGT? Hard copies should not be kept in the files if there is a results sticker placed on the permanent folder or placed on the transcript as a separate entry. If you are a high school preparing the folder for retention, you will need to look at all grade levels to purge the files.
Frequently Asked Questions Do we need to keep copies of all report cards? The State retention schedule states that the permanent file is the “Official record of the individual student for his/her period of enrollment at a school”. The elementary and middle school report cards should be included, as well as the high school transcript. If there is a single report that shows grades for the entire year, that is all that is required.
Frequently Asked Questions Do we need to keep withdrawal forms? Yes. Keep all CCSD withdrawal forms and requests for student records from other schools in the permanent file.
Frequently Asked Questions How long does it take to get my boxes of student records picked up? Boxes should be picked up within seven (7) days after the Records office receives your transmittal forms and name lists. If they are not picked up in this time frame, please
Frequently Asked Questions Do I put the original name list in the first box sent for retention? No. The original name list, along with the certificate of accuracy, must be sent to the Records office via county mail.
Frequently Asked Questions Where do I put the labels on the box? Looking at the end of the box, the bar code labels are placed on the lower left corner and the content label is placed in the right center. Please see the example picture included in the instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions Where do I find information on records management? The link to the Records website is
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