Stone Librande Creative Director, EA/Maxis
Each one of you is the manager of an indoor soccer team of 3 meeples.Each one of you is the manager of an indoor soccer team of 3 meeples. We’ll start out by playing a simple version of the game.We’ll start out by playing a simple version of the game. After the warm-up games we’ll add “Super Star” players.After the warm-up games we’ll add “Super Star” players. Overview
Come up to the front and get 3 meeples and a rules sheet.Come up to the front and get 3 meeples and a rules sheet. Play a few 1 vs. 1 matches until you feel comfortable with the basic rules.Play a few 1 vs. 1 matches until you feel comfortable with the basic rules. While playing, think of rules that you would like to add or modify to make the game more interesting.While playing, think of rules that you would like to add or modify to make the game more interesting. Quick Start
This is indoor soccer, not Chess. Keep your turns to approximately 30 seconds.This is indoor soccer, not Chess. Keep your turns to approximately 30 seconds. After you finish a game (best 2 out of 3 goals) find another opponent. Be quick!After you finish a game (best 2 out of 3 goals) find another opponent. Be quick! Warm-up for about 15 minutes.Warm-up for about 15 minutes. Important Points
Put a silver star sticker on one of your meeples. He or she is now your Super Star player!Put a silver star sticker on one of your meeples. He or she is now your Super Star player! Give your player a name.Give your player a name. Give your player a special ability. Be creative!Give your player a special ability. Be creative! Super Stars
After each game talk to your opponent about the relative power difference between your two Super Stars.After each game talk to your opponent about the relative power difference between your two Super Stars. What can you do to make them balanced?What can you do to make them balanced? Nerf or strengthen? Go for strengthen!Nerf or strengthen? Go for strengthen! Tournament Play
Play as many games as possible.Play as many games as possible. Find a new opponent after each game. Try to play someone who is not the same color as you.Find a new opponent after each game. Try to play someone who is not the same color as you. The design goal is to see if we can balance all the Super Stars in the room.The design goal is to see if we can balance all the Super Stars in the room.
Pair up with someone that has your team color.Pair up with someone that has your team color. You each control your own Super Star and have shared control over one average player.You each control your own Super Star and have shared control over one average player. May the best team win!May the best team win! Final Round
Think smallThink small Think long termThink long term Challenge yourselfChallenge yourself Conclusion
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