Topic: IDEAS (add 1 idea per line) VOTES (1 vote per person) Getting started! How it works! 1.Sitting side by side, each person has 60 seconds to add as many ideas as they can for each topic. 2.At the end of 60 seconds, each person moves to the next question (rotate questions clockwise around the group). Option: Allow 10 seconds reading time to avoid dupes! 3.Keep going until you’ve each added ideas to every topic. 4.To vote, each participant gets one dot sticker for each topic. Participants then get 10 minutes to vote on their favourite idea (So if there are 10 topics, you’ll give each participant 10 stickers). 5.Tally up the votes, then read out the top 2 ideas per topic. What you’ll need: 1.If you have 10 participants, you’ll need 10 topics (one for each person to get started). 2.Print the topics on A3 paper. 3.You’ll need pens for writing. 4.You’ll need small dot stickers for voting. 5.Grab some blu-tak so you can stick the results on the wall for the voting session! Tips: 1.This works best with 5-10 participants. 2.Participants should sit close together (eg. Around a table). 3.Ask questions or add topics like ‘List ways we could acquire customers for [company]’ or ‘Where would you expect to see [product] sold?’. 4.To use this template, simply delete this page, then create new slides for each of your topics. 5.The entire exercise should take about ½ hr Tip! Dot votes go here!
Topic: IDEAS (add 1 idea per line) VOTES (1 vote per person)
Topic: IDEAS (add 1 idea per line) VOTES (1 vote per person)