Kuali Student: A Next Generation Administrative System Educause Enterprise 2008 Chicago, May 28, 2008 Richard Spencer Acting CIO, University of British Columbia
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 2 Outline Universities: how are they different? Systems –challenges & opportunities –a short history of systems –exponential growth Kuali Student system –goals and principals –design elements –technical principles Community and open source –contributing to KS Concluding thoughts
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 3 Universities
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 4 How universities work Students and faculty –teaching and learning –research –community service Product –learning, knowledge and educated people –we don’t sell it, it doesn’t generate revenue Staff –support these activities Everybody –does a lot of tedious administrative stuff Money and time are limited –it is hard to come up with a high margin, best selling, product
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 5 Systems in a university Systems should: help people do what they need to do –easy to use –intelligent –eliminate paper forms and files help run the enterprise efficiently –give people the tools and information they need –support processes that cross departments –be scalable support end users –make it easier to learn, teach and do research –make it easier for people to help people
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 6 Challenges & Opportunities
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 7 Paper Paper forms: have been around for a long time define how we work define our departmental structure lead to duplication of data –information is often wrong make it difficult to access information result in –poor service –services that don’t scale –a focus on the department, not the user have led to processes that need radical change
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 8 Processes Processes that were developed for paper forms: require frequent, repetitive human input –staff are required to: transfer information to and from forms and files operate on the information –supervisors and managers have to: check that rules have been applied look for anomalies stay in the paper loop –most decisions are based on rules and policies, not judgment are interrupted at department boundaries Online processes should be radically different
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 9 Systems that Wow users use the information we already have present options and alternatives provide immediate, helpful, feedback and response apply rules to eliminate unnecessary approvals eliminate all paper – but let users: –interrupt processes and return to them later –work on plans and scenarios over time –keep copies of any results make it easy for people to do what they know how to do –no training on the system! trust the user * subject to review and audit
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 10 Systems that Wow staff allow customers to complete processes online let the customer see what staff see –customers and staff should always see the same information use rules and workflow to automate approvals –automate the routine, alert staff to the exceptions, if in-person approval is required, make it simple –make it easy to see what has to be approved –provide the necessary information, rules, etc. –allow staff to override rules when appropriate if customers need help, give staff the information they need to provide it no training needed to do what they know how to do
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 11 Systems that pay off Systems should deliver all processes on-line –end to end, no paper complete transactions in real time use rules engines to apply business rules use work flow to orchestrate processes support processes that cross unit boundaries make information accessible to authorized users make it easy to configure your processes enable change and innovation be scalable
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 12 The goal is not to reduce the number of people It is to give them tools to let them do more
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 13 A little history
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 14 A short history of student systems BC –paper based processes –information silos in separate departments –the customer had to help us run the institution SRS –on-line records, flat files, reports SIS –support for core processes in core departments –often more work & time for other users –we began to help the customer
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 15 Current systems Current systems support core processes, but they: are inflexible make it difficult to change processes result in systems “silos”, with duplicate records are expensive to install and maintain often have missing functionality frustrate end users Key university functions are often: not well supported not supported at all
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 16 Changing people and processes Current organizational structure leads to: difficulty sharing resources across departments system and data silos duplicate information –often out of date –hard to update and correct processes that are hard to automate –handoffs to other departments or systems can break automation Change management is needed to: get staff to share responsibility for end users help individuals accept and embrace change Managing change is the biggest systems challenge
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 17 the power of exponential growth
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 18 Powerful computers Exponential growth in: processing speed memory size network bandwidth storage capacity The power of doubling: grains of rice on a chess board: –1 grain on the first square, 2 on the second, 4 on the third,... –64 squares –1.85 x grains –900 years production at current rates
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 19 Integrated Circuit Transistor Vacuum tube Relay Electro- mechanical Increasing computer power logarithmic plot Ray Kurzweil, “The Singularity is Near” One insect brain One mouse brain One human brain All human brains Calculations per second per $1,
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 20 Kuali Student - goals and principles
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 21 Goals for Kuali Student community source development –institutions pool their resources and their ideas –community commitment ensures long term support open source –there will be an open source reference implementation SOA –service interface definitions and contracts will be published –this will help develop a support community –it will make it easier to extend the functionality flexible systems can give comparative advantage –how we support students and faculty helps define us –great systems can help us attract and keep the best people –staff have tools and time to do more and help more
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 22 Functional Principles In addition to storing information and running key processes: support a wide range of users and activities –eliminate unnecessary constraints support a wide range of business processes –“customization is good” –“your processes, not someone else’s best practices” make it easier to change business processes –implement new processes more quickly and economically deliver scalable processes –all information is online and updated in real time enhance human interactions –great interface design, tools for staff delivering service internationalization Support the end user
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 23 Kuali Student - design elements
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 24 Modular design Service oriented architecture: system is delivered in applications or modules a school can use some or all the modules modules can interface with existing systems –financial aid, scheduling partners can develop modules that meet special or general needs –residence management, student discipline –these can be reused by other schools modules –share and reuse services –can interface to existing systems
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 25 High level entities Use entity models that allow flexibility: person time learning units –courses, sections, lectures, student contributions, non-credit.. resources –learning spaces rooms –collections of rooms, parts of rooms outdoor spaces online resources assumptions should not restrict what you can do
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 26 People, identity and access Identity management persons are the high level entity –one identity per user easy for users to create (or transfer) their own identity multiple personas are allowed roles, authorizations and privileges are added over time –distributed administration –delegated authority manage access for people and applications separate authentication and authorization apply appropriate rules and polices to all access check what is released against need to know
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 27 Learning units Learning from Home Depot – a “learning unit” can be: course; single lecture in a course; 15 minute student presentation in a course participation in community service any activity that the student wants to include on a formal or co-curricular transcript a “learning unit number” is like a SKU... we can also have: –learning results –learning plans –learning resources if you can imagine it, KS can accommodate it
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 28 Concierge use what we know about: –the person, the rules, the experience of others suggest valid choices –don’t make the user wade through choices that don’t apply apply and explain the relevant rules –don’t expect the user to read and understand the regulations anticipate peoples needs –these courses meet your requirements and match your interests integrate processes to make things easier –do you want to apply your tuition credit to your child’s registration? implement using rules and workflow support the end user! no training required for things we know how to do
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 29 Concierge Institutional Information Requirements Personal Information Information about the experiences of others Possibilities We should use: to support users Options Record Status Goals Pitfalls
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 30 Concierge sits looking and listening for changes in a person’s state, institution rules, peoples experiences, etc. Concierge “sees” student accept offer Concierge concepts ability to register triggered by accepting offer of admission Concierge checks student info, program, required courses, elective opportunities, and guides student to solution that works for her process ends when student has a complete program that meets her needs Rules engine Workflow Uses Information Concierge “knows” the rules and process
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 31 Using workflow and rules engines: processes are represented using workflow, not coded into the system rules are represented in rules engines, making them easier to review and change responsibility for processes and rules is separated from technical issues rules and policies govern access to information workflow and rules engine technology is reusable and scalable a configuration application will be provided process change is easier Rules and workflow...somewhat
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 32 Business rules environment A Business Rules Management Service (BRMS) A Rules Engine (Drools) Rules user interfaces (create and modify rules) Business services that execute rules –Placing the rules execution inside the service that needs it. The enrolment service would execute pre-requisite rules, etc The student financial service would execute fee calculation rules Business Rules Data Warehouse –Rules are extracted and loaded into the data warehouse. BI tools (e.g. Jasper) can write reports against this data warehouse. Workflow moves rules to appropriate level when approval is required Building the Kuali Student BRMS, Dew & Fernig, Kuali Days VI
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 33 Rules and Business Intelligence Traditionally Business Intelligence only deals with “facts” in the Enterprise Systems. Now we can apply BI to business rules. For example: –Is there any correlation between student success and pre- requisite rules? –Which courses are referenced most frequently in curriculum rules? –Are there any rules that inhibit student success (e.g. requiring students to take more than 4 years to finish their program)? Building the Kuali Student BRMS, Dew & Fernig, Kuali Days VI
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 34 Access to information To ensure users and systems have access to information: abstract data from systems –information is often common to more than one application data must be current and correct –one primary data store, no information stored on paper data should be maintained and provided by services –applications don’t need to know how or where data is stored manage access to data services –identity management for people and applications apply rules and policies within the service –check that information to be returned is appropriate rules and policies should be known and explicit
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 35 Zero stop shopping we shouldn’t have to do things a system can do for us..renew my parking pass for me!!
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 36 Kuali Student - technical principles
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 37 Service oriented architecture break business processes down into “services” which are: –reusable –autonomous –agnostic –stateless –loosely coupled define services by: –service contracts (what they do) –service interface definitions (how they communicate) applications are built from reusable components, using: –modular design –loosely coupled components –workflow and rules engines (services)
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 38 Implementing SOA Web services simplicity platform neutrality standards –including SOAP, WSDL, XML Standards use open standards wherever possible (e.g. PESC) Configuration simplify administration of rules and workflow Governance Separate governance of service contracts from technical decisions
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 39 Agility - make process change easier!
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 40 Component abstraction SOA allows abstraction of components into layers presentation layer –portal applications - “owned” by departments –business services –use rules engines and workflow to abstract logic and process flow process agnostic services –services are available to multiple business processes data services –applications don’t have to understand the data structure service bus –provides communication services, ensures integrity
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 41 ContactAdmission Enrolment Identity services Evaluation service Awards assignment Person data academic history awards Conceptual system architecture Rules services Workflow services Learning plan service Business services Process agnostic services Infrastructure services Presentation layer Data services Concierge Portal Concierge Service bus
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 42 Community & open source
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 43 Community source development Institutions formally partner to develop systems systems are created specifically for higher education shared resources spread the cost of development upgrades and enhancements contributed by the community lower the cost of software maintenance and enhancement flexible architecture allows use of CS, vendor supplied and home grown components. commercial installation and support is encouraged
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 44 Open source applications SOA systems can be implemented: using open source development tools using open source infrastructure components using open standards by building open source applications Benefits: code is open and can be modified by the institution other institutions can develop modules you can use applications may be more reliable support and development can be assured Risks: support and development may not be assured
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 45 KS founder & partners Founders University of British Columbia University of California, Berkeley University of Maryland, College Park Florida State University San Joaquin Delta College University of Southern California Partners MIT Cambridge University Also Andrew Mellon Foundation Kuali Foundation AACRAO, NITLE
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 46 KS contribution opportunities Founders –substantial commitment in money and people Partners –significant commitment to core product Contributors –Help sustain, or enhance by developing new modules Adopters –commitment to adopt some modules Supporters –get the Kuali Student bumper sticker....
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 47 Concluding thoughts Our next generation systems must: be focused on the needs of end users be much easier to use be scalable (online, real time, no paper) be flexible and configurable –make customization easier –make process change easier support processes that cross departments and domains Our next generation systems should: be developed on an open source platform be developed using community source development we can Wow the user!
Opportunities and challenges for new administrative systems 48 Information on Kuali Student