Property Management John Asmuth Property Services
Banner 8 and Program Codes Amy Douglas and Linda Pearce Controller’s Office
Program Codes – Banner Resource
F O A PROGRAM code description The following codes are based on financial accounting and reporting requirements as directed by the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
REVENUE: R100 – Revenue All revenue (income) classifications except Auxiliary Revenues X100 – Auxiliary Revenue All auxiliary revenues (income) except athletic revenues X200 – Athletic Revenue Only athletic revenues (income)
INSTRUCTION EXPENSE: 1000 – Sponsored Instruction expense Formally organized instructional research expenditures, separately budgeted and accounted for and funded by external sources via contracts and grants – General Academic Instruction expense Expenses for formally organized instructional activities, for University credit, non-credit or Cost Sharing.
RESEARCH EXPENSE 2000 – Sponsored Research-Basic Expenses for formally organized and separately budgeted Basic Research funded by external sources via contracts and grants. (Research type “Basic” must be provided bythe PI or Project Manager when the new FOAP is requested, and this program code will be a default linked to the fund.) 2002 – Sponsored Research-Applied Expenses for formally organized and separately budgeted Applied Research funded by external sources via contracts and grants. (Research type “Applied” must be provided by the PI or Project Manager when the new FOAP is requested, and this program code will be a default linked to the fund.)
RESEARCH EXPENSE CONTINUED : 2004 – Sponsored Research – Developmental Expenses for formally organized and separately budgeted Developmental Research Funded by external sources via contracts and grants. (Research type “Developmental” must be provided by the PI or Project Manager when the new FOAP is requested, and this program code will be a default linked to the fund.) 2050 – Departmental Research expense Expense for internally supported, non-competitive research. (Not considered organized research.) 2052 – Grant-in-Aid Research expense Internally supported, separately budgeted, competitive research award expense. Organized research expense.
RESEARCH EXPENSE CONTINUED: 2054 – Cost Share Research expense Internally supported, separately budgeted research expense in support of externally funded programs, as required by written agreement – Other Non-Sponsored Research expense All other internally supported research expenses.
PUBLIC SERVICE EXPENSE: 3000 – Public Service Sponsored expense Separately budgeted and accounted for restricted expenditures for Public Service contract and grant awards funded from external sources Public Service Non-Sponsored expense Internally supported public service expense. (Outreach programs, conferences, program support, Cost Sharing)
ACADEMIC SUPPORT EXPENSE: 4000 – Academic Support expense Includes expenses to provide support services for the institution’s primary mission. Includes academic and graduate school dean’s offices, museums and galleries, academic support information technology and academic advising. (The Provost office is included in Institutional support and not in Academic Support.) Academic personnel development is also included, such as sabbaticals and faculty awards – Constituency/Fund Raising expense Any expense related to constituency development officers and/or dean’s office fundraising expenditures.
LIBRARY EXPENSE: 5000 – Library expense Any expense related to libraries located on AU and AUM campuses.
STUDENT SERVICES EXPENSE: 6000 – Student Services expense Student services include the administration activities that provide assistance and support to the needs and interests of the students, including social and cultural development, counseling and career guidance, admissions, student records, and student health. (AUM’s intercollegiate athletics programs are included in this category.)
INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXPENSE: 7000 – Institutional Support expense These expenses include central, executive-level activities concerned with the management and long-range planning for the entire University. These offices include the president, provost, chief business officer, chief development officer – Information Technology Administrative Support Information technology support is normally allocated between Institutional support and Academic support, only.
INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT EXPENSE CONTINUED: 7003 – Communications & Marketing expense These expenses relate to the department of Communications and Marketing and University wide publications Development & Fund Raising expense Expenses for activities to maintain relations with community, alumni, and other constituents, as well as conduct activities related to institution-wide development and fund raising costs – Legal expense
OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE EXPENSE: 8000 – Physical Plant Administration expense Expenses for administration and supervision of the operation and maintenance of physical plant facilities, and space management are included Operations and Maintenance expense These expenses are normally incurred for janitorial and utility services, repairs and ordinary maintenance of buildings, furniture and equipment, care of grounds, security, disaster preparedness, safety, and hazardous waste management.
SCHOLARSHIP & FELLOWSHIP EXPENSE: 9000 – Scholarship & Fellowship expense Scholarship and fellowship expense from unrestricted or restricted funds.
AUXILIARY EXPENSE: A100 – Auxiliary expense All auxiliary units expense, excluding athletics, and includes housing, dining, transportation, surplus property, information technology service centers. A200 – Athletic Auxiliary Expense Expenses related to the intercollegiate athletic programs.
DEPRECIATION EXPENSE: D100-Depreciation expense This code is only used by Financial Reporting to record depreciation expense on capitalized assets.
AGENCY OPERATIONS : G100 – Agency Operations Includes revenues and expense for any ancillary unit that has a close association with the University, and who is allowed to use our accounting system for their purpose. The University has no direct control over these funds, but they must be reported in the University’s financial statements.
OTHER M100 – Mandatory Transfers This code is only used by Financial Reporting for cash transfers to fund debt service. N100 – Non-Mandatory Transfers This code used by the central business office. P100 – Project Construction This code is used when processing expenditures on building construction projects.
Security Class and Access Felicia Roberson Information System Support
Approval Queue Routing s sent The s contain a spreadsheet of the Approval queues within your college, school or department. If you were sent any in error please notify me via at Send any additions, deletes or level changes via to: Bryan Elmore for Budget queues or Missty Kennedy for Requisition Queues.
Security Class changes Prior to the change Request Banner Finance Admin or SSB and pick between three classes After the change Request the addition to Banner Finance Admin or SSB and the user will automatically be added to the one class.
Procurement & Payment Services Shawn Asmuth and Melissa Morris PPS
Recent Changes Staffing Changes Missty Kennedy named Procurement Manager Marilyn Sanford focusing on contract review; now located in 109 Ingram Hall New staff additions: Kayla Moss, Frank Tew, and Beth Owen Purchasing Card Staff Purchasing Card staff relocated to 309A Ingram Hall
Recent Changes Bid Opening Relocation PPS bid openings are now held Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday in Tiger Rags building. WORKS to ESP Conversion Effective with the 8/8/2008 Purchasing card statement date, AU converted from the WORKS system used in the past to a new product called ESP.
Recent Changes Mileage Rate Effective 1/1/2009 the mileage rate for the business use of an employee's personal vehicle while the employee is on university travel status has changed to $.55 per mile. Cell Phone Contract Effective 2/1/09 Auburn renewed its contract with Verizon as the primary cellular service provider for AU and AUM. Under the terms of the new contract, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) will centrally manage all cellular service billing and order processing under one university account. Verizon service charges will be included on the OIT bill that departments receive monthly.
Salary & Wage Transfers Melanie Cosby Contracts and Grants Accounting
Salary & Wage Transfer Form
Base Revenues Bryan Elmore Budget Services