Company LOGO Best Practices Boise State University Budget Office
Goals for Training 1. Understand Basic Budget Building 2. How to Monitor OE, Travel & Capital Budgets 2. How to Monitor OE, Travel & Capital Budgets 3. How to Monitor Payroll Budgets 4. Understand End of Year Processes
For Profit vs. Government For Profit Revenue – Expenses = Net Income Maximize Profit Government Resources Received = Resources Used Efficient & Effective Use of Resources
Boise State University
Financial Reporting Fiscal Year Program Type DepartmentAccount FY 2008 July 1, 2007 To June 30, Digit Alpha-Numeric 909A Digit Numeric Asset Liability Revenue Expense Fund Balance Associated with Department General description of activity
Fiscal Year 12-Months July 1 to June 30 FY 2008: July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
Program Types / Activity Type Program 01: Instruction Program 04: Research Program 06: Public Service Program 07: Library Program 08: Student Services Program 09: Physical Plant Program 10: Institutional Support Program 11: Academic Support Program 12: Auxiliary Enterprises (Athletics) Program 13: Scholarships
Program Types / Activity Type
006 A Department Anatomy of the Department ID Department identifier Fund Source A = Appropriated L = Local G = Grant Section/Unit Identifier Format: Alpha Numeric B i o l o g y 1 = Main Campus 2 = BSU West
Accounts 6 Digit Numeric “Buckets” 3***** = Revenue 4***** = Personnel Costs 5***** = OE & Travel (53****) 6***** = Capital 9***** = Fund Balance
Budget Rollup Accounts Regular Salary Part-Time/Irregular Salary Student Salary Fringe Benefits Operating/Other Expenses Travel Capital Outlay
Types of Financial Statements Income Statement GL Department Detail Report Balance Sheet Etc.
Users of our Financial Statements Departments Deans / VP’s / Provost / President State Board of Education Governor / Legislature Lending institutions Auditors
Uses of Financial Statements Track progress towards goals Compare Actual with Plan/Budget Communicate Modify behavior Assess financial condition Assist in evaluating efficiency and effectiveness
Why do we have Budgets? Control spending Monitor progress & modify spending Communicate Required
Kinds of Budgets Appropriated General Fund (taxes) $80 million Budget Tuition $47 million Budget ***A****** Departments Local & Auxiliary Other Student Fees User Fees F&A Transfers from Foundation $26 million Local Budget $61 million Auxiliary Budget ***L****** Departments
Appropriated Budget Process
BSU Budget Process JULY: Budget effective AUG: Submit Budget Request to SBOE DEC: Annual Planning Documents MAR: Local Budget Templates MAR: JFAC & SBOE sets Budget MAY: BSU sets department budgets
Local Budgets Budget = a plan or estimate Most common meaning for business Budget is not a guarantee No budget transfers Annual budget preparation: March – May Separate budget book Look at the bigger picture ** ** Think of: Fund Balance = Spending Authority
Why Budget Local Departments? Required to submit Local Budgets to the State Board of Education (For FY budgets sent out, 648 returned 75%) Estimate activity Ensure strategic plans are met Make better planning decisions Gives you something to compare current activity against
How does a Local Budget work with the Fund Balance?
Auxiliary Budgets Auxiliary Enterprises are essentially self- supporting per SBOE policy Annual budget preparation: March - April Information for budget preparation Projected enrollment Salary and payroll expense Utilities Administrative Service Charge Separate budget book
Auxiliary Budget Overview 16 Auxiliary Enterprise Departments FY08 Revenue = $61,315,648 FY08 Expense = $61,260,842 FY08 Total Employee FTE =
Auxiliary Budget Revenue
Appropriated Budget Annual Planning Documents Request additional budget for upcoming fiscal year. Used to plan for the next years budget request Planning Communicate Approved New Budget is communicated to department through VP or Provost
Appropriated Budget Book Distribution Lists $$ support from State and from Students Lists permanent budget for each appropriated department
One-time vs. Permanent Budget Permanent transfers increase or decrease the next years original budget (base) as well as this years budget One-time transfers only effect the current year’s budget
Budget Transfers Allowable Budget Transfers Clearing Budget Errors One error holds up the entire journal entry Budget Transfer Form Appropriated Only Correct signatures Plan ahead – remaining fiscal year Not just one pay period at a time
Monitoring OE, Travel & Capital Reports Department Detail Report Department Summary Report Appropriated Budget Summary Budget Overview DDR Query & Pivot Table
Monitoring OE, Travel & Capital DDR Query & Pivot Table On-line instructions: Pros and Cons of using DDR Query Additional entry information Entry signs are ‘reversed’ No budget information Examples: Single DeptID – 12 months side-by-side Single DeptID – 3 Years side-by-side Multiple DeptIDs – side-by-side
Monitoring OE, Travel & Capital Local & Auxiliary Fund Balance What to look for on reports No deficits in fund balance Budget What to look for on reports No budget transfers Except for: Auxiliary, computer labs, & a very few others
Monitoring OE, Travel & Capital Appropriated Budget What to look for No deficits in budget Allowable Budget Transfers One-time vs. Permanent Timing of transfers
Monitoring OE, Travel & Capital Tracking – Folders and Spreadsheets Folders for Open Payments Pending Invoices Pending P-Card Pending Deposits Posted Expenses Posted Revenues When picking an account Be Specific, Reasonable & Consistent Examples: Non-employee travel is OE
Folders - Example
Folders I’m going to purchase MS Project with my P- Card. Cost is about $100.
Folders I’m going to purchase MS Project with my P-Card. Cost is about $100. Memo: Acct: Desktop Software
Folders Memo: P-Card “Statement”: $ Office Max Code to Desktop Software Match Memos to P-Card “Statement”
Folders Memo: P-Card “Statement”: $ Office Max Code to Desktop Software Place in Pending P-Card Folder
Folders Place in Pending P-Card Folder Memo & P-Card “Statement”
Folders Match P-Card Statement to PeopleSoft Memo & P-Card “Statement” Department Detail Report: OE Desktop Software P-Card Wargo
Folders File in Posted Expenses Folder Memo & P-Card Statement Department Detail Report: OE Desktop Software P-Card Wargo
Folders File in Posted Expenses Folder – Keep 5 years Detail Report P-Card Statement Memos
Folders Department Detail Report: OE Minor Tools Home Depot $ ? ? ? DDR query. Call AP (if source document is AP) or Accounting to get more information.
Folders Department Detail Report: ? Call AP (if the source document is AP) or Accounting to get more information. Invoice Copy $ Office Solutions
Reconciliation Workbook Advantage of folders: Tracking expenses from your office to PeopleSoft Example Advantage of Workbook Tracking permanent vs. one-time budget
Monitoring Payroll Reports & Tools Payroll Expense Distribution Report Example Payroll query from Business Manager
Budget Position Action Request (BPARs) Main focus is on the position Submit BPAR if requesting permanent new position Must have APPROVED funding Permanent Budget (transfer if Appropriated) Approved Supplemental Funding Request (SFR) form if funded by an appropriated department Other reasons for submitting BPARs Academic Areas Must have Department Chair, Dean & Provost signatures before submission to the Budget Office Non-Academic Areas Must have Director & Vice President signatures
Employment Action Forms (EAFs) Main focus is on the employee Submit EAF for reappointment if: funded by grant for temp employee, change in salary, term, title Importance of submitting EAFs in a timely manner If late, creates payroll corrections & could delay first paycheck Effective Dates Contract Dates/Working Dates
Prorated Salaries Prorated Salaries Employees working less than 12 months Example
Who Funds Salary Changes? Faculty & Professional Classified
Appropriated Salary Savings What is Salary Savings? Salary savings occurs when there is a vacancy in a permanent PCN that is funded by an appropriated department
Appropriated Salary Savings Items needed for salary savings request Budget Book GL Detail Budget Salary Ledger Query (provided by your Business Manager) Pivot Table Example Department Salary Summary by PCN Template (will be provided by the Budget Office upon request) Request for Use of Institutional Salary Savings Form Has to be directly related to a PCN Timing of contracts can impact salary savings
Appropriated Salary Savings How do I figure out the amount of the salary savings? Department Salary Summary by PCN Template Request for Use of Institutional Salary Savings Will be reviewed by Budget Office
End of Year Processes Carryforward Sweep Timing Permanent Budget for payroll (July Payroll Errors) Behind the Scenes Budget Transfers STARS Cutoff
Additional Training Opportunities Budget & Accounting Drop-in Sessions Tue October 16, am Tue November 20, am PeopleSoft Training October 10, am – noon Call Suzy White x Let’s Talk – Account Codes October 24 11am