Go for the Gusto! Building Interdependent Teams Presented by: Tobiah Duran, Debbie Teudt, and Jean Young
Know-It-All Ball Get Ready: *get up to 3 balls of different colors Get Set: *group stands or sits in a circle *select one prompt per ball being used (i.e. name, hometown, place of work, etc.) Go: *Toss the ball back and forth about the circle and answer the corresponding prompt *Play continues until everyone has had a turn
Agenda Opening –Know-It-All Ball Introductions –Introduce presenters –highlight./review agenda –Review norms Activities for Team Building –Toxic Waste Transfer (physical) –Rising Tower (mental) –Jelly Bean Questions (mental) Debrief –Small group –Whole group
Norms Share experiences to enrich others Listen through the filter of a question Pay attention to your feathers Learn by doing – apply to your own work Postpone distractions –If your cell phone rings, you must dance for us!
Toxic Waste Transfer A Physical Team Building Activity (page 77) Get Ready: * 5 gallon bucket with holes randomly drilled into the sides * 3-5 foot lengths of rope (1 per hole) * container to dump the “waste” into * tennis balls, golf balls, or packing peanuts Get Set: * set your prepared toxic waste bucket feet from the other container *explain rules *break group into teams if a large group – prepare enough materials for several small groups Go: * Start! Team(s) work to transfer toxic waste from bucket to container * debrief / discuss
Rising Tower A Mental Team Building Activity (see page 82-83) Get Ready: Each team will need a box of 500 toothpicks, a bag of mini marshmallows, and a sturdy building surface Get Set: Set a time limit Each group will build a rising tower which must stand on its own for at least 15 seconds before it is measured Go: Build! The highest tower at the end of the time limit wins Debrief
Jelly Bean Questions A Mental Team Building Activity (page 83-84) Get Ready: Get enough jelly beans so that each person has 2 or 3 colors Assign 1 topical question to each color Get Set: Break into small groups Pass out bag of jelly beans Go: Each person takes a turn at picking out a jelly beans and answering the corresponding question
Interdependent Teams (see page 72) A sense of belonging to a group while keeping a members own identity An appreciation for the unique talents and ideas brought to the table by each member The understanding of the importance of group norms and operating procedures The ability to engage in dialogue that expands the members understanding of others and their ideas rather than engaging in debates and discussion The feeling that everyone's ideas in a group have merit for consideration The use of consensus procedures in decision making The ability to support each other as the group is going through chaos
Small Group Debrief As a group, come up with 3 ways that the activity helps develop an interdependent team. Select one person to share your teams ideas with the larger group
Whole Group Debrief Each small group selects one of the 3 ways that their activity helps build interdependent teams to share with the whole group (may share more if time permits) Discuss one new understanding that you have as a result of the activities Feedback/evaluation form
* Care more than others think is wise * Risk more than others think is safe * Dream more than others think is practical * Expect more than others think is possible. Excellence can be attained if you...