Culture and The Self
Sources of Cultural Differences Evoked culture—produced by environmental differences (e.g., source of food). Transmitted culture—produced by communication of beliefs from generation to generation (e.g., morals).
Individualist vs. Collectivist Culture Individual success Take care of oneself Express individual identity Collectivist Group success Take care of each other Restrain self to fit in with the group
Individualist vs. Collectivist Differences in Self-Construal Responses to the 20 statements test (Cross et al., 1995) Attribute checklist (Markus & Kitayama)
Individualist vs. Collectivist Differences in Self-Enhancement Better than average effect. Self-Serving attributions.
Individualist vs. Collectivist Differences in Cognitive Dissonance Kitayama et al. (2004) Previous research—less dissonance in collectivists. Kitayama et al. theorized that dissonance can threaten the independent self or the interdependent self. Japanese p’s are affected by dissonance when it threatens the interdependent self.