Game Theory Models for Network Security Carla Di Cairano-Gilfedder, BT 4 th Mathematics of Networks Workshop at QMUL London 22 nd July 2005
Overview Intrusion Detection in Access Control Interdependent security Information Warfare ______________________________ Abstract Game Theory is a discipline concerned with the study of interactions between two or more entities with conflicting or mixed interests. It has successfully and extensively been applied in several fields including mathematics, economics, social sciences, decision theory, and behavioural sciences. In the last few years, Game Theory has also attracted the attention of Security researchers aiming to develop quantitative analysis techniques for Network and Information Security. For them it provides a natural vehicle for a rigorous formulation of attacks, threat analysis, and reactive decision making. This presentation provides an overview of some of the proposed models in the sub-fields of Intrusion Detection, Interdependent Security, and Information Warfare.
Intrusion Detection as a zero-sum game A Game Theoretic Analysis of Intrusion Detection In Access Control Systems, T. Alpcan and T. Basar, University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Proc. of 43rd IEEE CDC, Dec _______________________________ Interdependent security H. Kunreuther, Univ. Pennsylvania G. Heal, Columbia University Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2002 _______________________________ A game theory model of Information Warfare D. Burke, USAF Air Force Institute of Technology, Air University, Master of Science, 1999 _______________________________ Computer network security as a stochastic non-zero-sum game Game strategies in network security, by K. Lye and J. Wing, Carnagie Mellon University, Int. Journal Inf. Security 2005 The presentation provided an overview of following models