DuPont Sustainable Solutions Improving Safety Culture through Operational Transformation (BDM - When preparing, make sure you use notes view of this slide deck for guidance on each page) The design of the slide deck is to provoke conversation & discussion rather than presenting a traditional sales delivery, The design is modeled after a needs-based selling approach which says first, understand what the needs are of the prospective client before attempting to propose a solution. This model or approach relies heavily on the ability of the BDM to listen and adapt to the conversation and relies little on following a script or prepared slide deck. In other words, focus should be on uncovering needs through dialogue and not focusing on a slide deck. Place their logo on the cover slide as a sign of respect. Review appropriate sections of the Toolkit to help prepare this slide deck and yourself . Review the Client Interaction module of the toolkit to prepare yourself, in particular, review the high-gain questions you can consider asking. There are several supplemental charts attached which can be incorporated depending on the conversation. You can hide them or incorporate them as needed. 4/16/2017
Agenda: Safety Contact Understanding Your Situation Learning About You Next Steps 4/16/2017
Safety Contact: Placeholder if you want to include text, pictures, attachments. Position this as part of our culture, a ritual, ask for their indulgence to participate. Recommendation is to do this quickly, don’t overplay it, move on. The time together is about them, not about us. We can be perceived as “preachy” if overdone. Make it current and relevant. 4/16/2017
Understanding Your Situation: … Placeholder Assumption here is that you have had prior communications ahead of this interaction. Use this chart to “get on the same page” – write here what you know about them, what they shared with you earlier (why they want to meet), their expectations, etc. At a minimum, get confirmation and alignment on the purpose for the meeting/interaction. You can edit this chart you discuss. 4/16/2017
Learning About You -The DuPont Bradley Curve 2 4 6 8 Total Recordable Rate Natural Instincts Supervision Self Teams Reactive Dependent Independent Interdependent Safety by Natural Instinct Compliance is the Goal Delegated to Safety Manager Lack of Management Involvement Management Commitment Condition of Employment Fear/Discipline Rules/Procedures Supervisor Control, Emphasis, and Goals Value All People Training Personal Knowledge, Commitment, & Standards Internalization Personal Value Care for Self Practice, Habits Individual Recognition Help Others Conform Others’ Keeper Networking Contributor Care for Others Organizational Pride Use this chart to provoke conversation and get answers to three key questions….. Step 1 – introduce client to the DuPont Bradley Curve Cultural Maturity Model (X & Y axis, stages or phases. Step 2 – Ask client , (Q1) Where do you think your organization is on this curve? Ask why if no explanation is offered. Step 3- Ask client, (Q2) you will have to phrase the question based on answer to Q1, but, ask about reaching Interdependence, is it in their vision? Are they willing to work towards it? You should point out that you cannot skip over any stage/phase. Step 4 – Ask client, (Q3) what will it take to get to Interdependence, what’s holding you back? This process is a quick way to get a perspective on their current state (their perception), where they may want to go and what’s holding them back (THEIR NEEDS). With this chart you’re also trying to frame the discussion around culture change and solutions, not about a transactional, tactical exchange. You may want to consider using the James River video here to give and example on an independent culture. Zero Incidents: a heresy Zero Incidents: a dream Zero Incidents: a goal Zero Incidents: a choice Reactive Proactive 4/16/2017
Learning About You Leadership Action Structure Supportive Safety Staff Line Management Accountability Supportive Safety Staff Integrated Organization Structure Progressive Motivation Structure Visible, Demonstrated Commitment Clear, Meaningful Policies and Principles Challenging Goals and Plans High Standards of Performance Leadership Communication Processes Continuous Training & Development Thorough Investigations Effective Audits and evaluations Action This 12 element model represents the Integrated Safety Management System that is the basic framework for ES culture change and underlies our other models. You have already asked them about their needs, use this chart to re-ask the question, which elements do they see as areas of strength, which ones are weaknesses. Make note of their responses. You should be prepared to briefly describe each one of the elements. You can tell them that we use this framework to define a strong safety culture. Our research has shown that these elements are present in organizations that have demonstrated and sustained outstanding safety performance. At this point you can ask them if they believe that culture can be measured. Regardless of their answer you can pronounce that we have developed a diagnostic tool for measuring culture including these elements. Look to make connections between the needs expressed during the Bradley Curve discussion and the essential elements.
Learning About You – Safety Perception Survey Use this slide to ask if measuring their culture and validating their perceived needs is something they would be interested in. Depending on their response you can spend a little or more time to address their level of interest. You will need to prepared to answer questions about survey details. You can get information about the survey in the Toolkit. You should explain that we deliver additional value via the survey by comparing their survey results as measured by Relative Culture Strength(RCS) to others in their industry.
Learning About You – What Industry are you associated with? Reactive Dependent 8 6 Independent Total Recordable Rate* 2008 BLS Industry Average Entire Organization 4 Use this chart to get them to compare themselves to others in their industry. Note their recordable rate and compare it to industry and RCS. You need to understand the concept of RCS and be able to explain it. Make the point that the strength of their RCS is a strong predictor of performance. Interdependent 2 Benchmark Best 40 60 80 100 Relative Culture Strength
To Help Achieve Sustainable Results, We Use a Structured Approach for Culture and Process Change 3-5 years Assess Current State Envision Future State Plan Transition Implement Changes Sustain Results Examine culture, safety processes and systems Perception Organization & structure Policies & processes Performance analysis How work gets done - execution Identify and quantify improvement opportunities Get management commitment to change Understand current state and performance reasons Gain a common perspective of what change is necessary Prioritize change actions Mobilize the organization Develop the change plan What must be done? When must it be done? By whom? How? Assign accountability Make the changes Guide process teams in design and development Craft appropriate training Roll out changes Train staff Measure results Sustain the change Keep it current Audit to maintain progress Create a learning and development curriculum As you have listened and captured the clients needs and concerns you can position our methodology as a change management process to address their needs. SLS › SR › PSM › Methodology › PSM Approach
Next Steps: …… Objective is to earn the right to continue the relationship. Next steps should focus on needs and could be…………. Provide more information on a specific item (such as the Perception Survey or Relative Culture Strength. Return to meet with others in the organization Produce a Subject Matter Expert to further explain certain concepts or applications Prepare a proposal If you can uncover a need(s) and show that we have content, methodology and practitioners to provide a solution, you are moving towards a signed contract. Suggestion is that you do this interactively with the client to include dates/deadlines and person(s) responsible. 4/16/2017
Safety: a multi-factor outcome in which Leadership plays a vital part Depending on the discussion, particularly if the client appears to have a mature culture (either independent or early interdependent, you can use this chart to introduce them to the DnA concept . A “want” or “need” could surface that their performance has plateaued or they’re looking for something new/different. This chart will allow you to introduce them to the east/west axis = cognitive approach (intrinsic motivation, “below the waterline”. If they express interest, a next step could be to bring a regional DnA Subject Matter Expert to have a follow-up visit/conversation. If the client is less mature culturally, you would ignore this chart or not include in the deck if you know this ahead of time.
DSS has a unique value proposition: An integrated set of real-world offerings aligned to growing client needs for safety, productivity, and environmental sustainability Growth Trends Protecting People and the Environment Feeding the World Decreasing Dependence on Fossil Fuels Safer Workplace Increased Productivity Reduced Footprint Client Needs Enabled Workforce Protect the Environment Consulting Solutions Clean Technologies DSS Offerings Asset Productivity Ops Transform Sustainable Capital Sustain-ability Strategy Contractor Mgmt Environ- mental Mgmt On-Line Training Instructor Led Training Training Academy Energy Efficiency Environmental Management Alkylation Tech. (Stratco®) Iso- Therming® Tech. Scrubbing Tech. (Belco®) Sulfuric Acid Tech. (MECS) Employee Safety Process Safety Use this chart to give the client an overview of DSS and point out Employee Safety among the other practices. Listen to see if they express interest in any of the other practice areas. DSS provides knowledge and technologies that enable clients to be safer, more productive, and environmentally sustainable 13
Protect People & Processes Fundamental Value Proposition Integrated solutions that enable clients to meet increasing requirements for the “triple bottom line” that factors safety, environment, and profitability Protect People & Processes Improve Productivity “Triple Bottom Line” Protect the Planet Our Collaborative Real-World Experience is a Key Differentiator Copyright © 2012 E.I. duPont de Nemours. All rights reserved. The DuPont oval logo, DuPont™ and the miracles of science™ are registered trademarks of DuPont. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. (July 30, 2012) 14
Continuum of Services - ES Services Business Competency “Helping clients develop excellence in safety management” Three Focus Areas Integrated Management Systems Transforming Culture Leadership Development Off-shelf solutions Assessment & Benchmarking What To Do Capability Building/Workshops Breakthrough Technology (DnA) Collaborative Solution Design Leadership Structure Processes & Actions Help Build Supplemental Resources Implementation Sustaining Learning & Development Help Run It Continuous Improvement Data Management Help Sustain Training Academy This chart can be used to give a high-level overview of our range of services. Benchmarking Click on each item to see more details Expert Video SLS > SR > PSM > Continuum of Services > PSM Service Offerings
Are safety performance and safety culture related? Reactive 8 Dependent Total Recordable Rate 6 Independent 4 Interdependent 2 This slide is intended to bring together the pieces you’ve seen so far and help connect them…..pieces like measuring culture, predicting performance, determining what to work on and what to do different in order to get a different result. Through the survey, we can measure the strength of you culture as calculated by Relative Culture Strength or RCS. The RCS positions you on the Bradley Curve relative to the survey profile of other organizations. The six sigma box plots depicted on this chart are generated from the survey data and reliably predict the range and variability of your performance as measured by Total Recordable Frequency Rate. In six-sigma terminology, RCS is the critical X and Injury Rate is the outcome. Note that it’s not until the RCS is >80 that performance reaches low variability as well as sustained, world class levels of performance. In contrast, if you look at the Independent stage for example, an RCS of 70 means that your Recordable Rate one year may be below 1.0 but the next year could very well be as high as 3.0. Another outcome with a Recordable Rate of 1.0 could be that injury severity is unusually high, perhaps more fatalities than usual. In either case the outcome is undesirable. To repeat this important point, the data set clearly shows a marked separation in performance when an organization’s culture as measured by the RCS moves beyond 80. * 40 60 80 100 Relative Culture Strength
Results Review Workshop The assessment brings together two views of the organization: an internal view or self-reflection based on interviews and the perception survey results; an independent, third party view viewed through the lens of the standardized elements & methodology. External View Internal View Document & Data Review Statistics from safety database Injury Frequencies Injury Classifications Industry Comparisons Safety Manual Incident & Occurrence processes, procedures and reports Organizational structure, with focus on safety management system Work procedures & job plans, safety observations programs, reports Agendas/Minutes from safety meetings Field Assessment Occur at work locations Observation of work performed and associated work planning Observations of personnel behaviors in the work areas Discussion with labor performing work Observed plant signs and bulletin boards Safety Perception Survey – OPTIONAL On-line survey of cross section of employees, managers and leaders Organization’s view on safety Along with Injury Rates, it generates the Relative Culture Strength for your organization Interviews- slice of the organization Employees Managers Operational and Business Leaders Safety Professionals Understands and tests how effective current standards and polices are You can use this slide to provide additional detail on the assessment step/stage. This is a good way to get started with a client. Results Review Workshop ½ -day workshop Review of all findings and recommendations
Depending on industry, one or more key drivers will be the “hot button” issue to use in selling the business case to the key decision makers. Develop hypotheses with these drivers in mind. Saving Human Life Focus – death and disablement “under my watch” Safety benchmark vs. peers A good place to work (retention) Company pride (top quartile performer) Productivity gains Reduction of defects (line stop/quality) Boost continuous improvement process Culture change Empowerment/communication/morale Corporate identity Direct Cost of Injuries Days off work x cost per day No if incidents x average cost of incident Cost of claims/medical (insurance) Potential cost of major incident Likely cost x probability (risk factor) Licence to operate Impact on community/government x probability (risk factor) Legal Compliance Public image Impact on share price/reputation Repeated public reports WHERE IS THE URGENCY? This chart can be useful in you discussion of needs. It may provoke some thinking, expand thinking, when trying to uncover needs.