Natural Resources
Occur naturally Found in our environment Environment = the conditions that surround us
Natural Resources NOT made by man, but man can help ensure their continued existence Some are essential others are used to make life easier
Natural Resources Groups Air and wind Fossil fuels Minerals People Soil Sunlight Water Wildlife
Renewable vs. Nonrenewable Resources Renewable Can be replaced after use Soil, plants, and water Nonrenewable Cannot be replaced after use Minerals and fossils fuels
Inexhaustible vs. Exhaustible Resources Inexhaustible continuously replenished, the supply of the resource will not run out Sunlight, wind, and water Exhaustible Available in limited quantity and can be completely used Can be replaceable or irreplaceable Replaceable = can be replenished (wildlife) Irreplaceable = gone once it is used (fossil fuels and most minerals)
Interdependent Relationships All natural resources depend on each other This means that all living things depend on each other.
Interdependent Relationships Humans need animals for food, clothing, and at one time for work. Humans and animals need plants to live. Used for food Produce oxygen needed to breathe
Interdependent Relationships Plants depend on animals and humans. Animals, including humans, give off carbon dioxide that the plants need to live.
Interdependent Relationships When animals die, they decompose. The decomposition process releases minerals back into the soil. Plants can use these minerals for growth.
Air and Wind The atmosphere is the area surrounding the Earth. Air is the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth. Wind is the movement of the air. Water vapor, gases, and particulate can be found in the atmosphere.
Air and Wind The conditions found in the atmosphere are what causes weather. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere, including moisture, temperature, movement, and pressure.
Air and Wind The climate of an area helps determine which natural resources can survive in the area. Climate is the condition of the weather in a particular location.
Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels are natural resources used to provide energy. Fossil fuels took millions of years to make. They are the remains of decomposed plants and animals. Their energy comes from the energy produced by the plants and animals.
Fossil Fuels Groups Petroleum Natural gas Coal
Petroleum Liquid form of fossil fuels used to make gasoline and oils.
Natural Gas Gaseous form of fossil fuels used in heating and cooking.
Coal Solid form of fossil fuels used in factories and generating electricity.
Minerals Natural inorganic substances on or in the earth. Are not living things. Mined from the earth and are used to produce everything from iron to brick. Jewelry, coins, monuments, and concrete are also made from minerals.
People Help determine how other natural resources are used. As the population increases, natural resource use will increase. The wise use of resources is necessary to ensure their future availability.
Soil Outer layer of the earth’s surface that supports life. Plants grow in soil, humans and other animals eat plants, humans and animals produce waste that provides nutrients for plants to grow, and the cycle continues. However, soil can be easily eroded by misuse. Soil must be protected in order for it to continue to be a resource.
Sunlight The source of almost all the energy used on the Earth. The light from the sun produces solar energy. Plants use this energy in the process of photosynthesis. People can also use this energy if it is harnessed using solar collectors.
Water A tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource. All living things need water to survive. Water is a naturally occurring compound made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Water can be found in three forms, solid, liquid, and gas.
Water Cycle Movement of water from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back to the surface. Water is continuously renewed through the hydrologic cycle.
Wildlife All of the plants and animals that live in the wild. These plants and animals have not been domesticated. Domestication is the control of plants and animals by man.
Food Web Activity Pick a community within an ecosystem Draw a food web showing the relationships within the community Should have at least three food chains Be sure to draw the environment in detail besides the organisms
Food Web Activity Label each of the following in your food web Abiotic and biotic parts The dominant species Aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem Where competition and predation takes place Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores
What does it mean? Adaptation Succession Selection Homeostasis Biome
Adaptation Organism’s ability to tolerate change in its environment Necessary for survival Occurs because the species goes through change over time Examples:
Succession Replacement of one community by another Occurs naturally over time Can be altered by humans Examples:
Selection Survival of organisms that are best adapted to their environment Many changes occur through genetics Examples:
Homeostasis Process in which organisms maintain a constant internal environment when the external environment changes Homeotherms (warm-blooded or endotherms) - can maintain a constant body temperature Poikilotherms (cold-blooded or ectothermic) – cannot maintain a constant body temperature
Biome Area made up of a distinct combination of plants and animals Made up of the groups of ecosystems found on earth terrestrial or aquatic Examples:
RAFT Role Pick one: tree, soil, water, or air Audience Local residence or local politicians Format Letter Topic Inform them of the your importance and what is happening to you Persuade them to help you survive because you are important to them
Things to include What biome and ecosystem are you a part of? What is your importance? Remember food webs, your relationship with other natural resources (interdependence), and how are humans dependent on you How are you in danger? What can be done to help?
Week 9/7 What do you already know about your topic? What are some things you would like to find out about your topic?
Could all your aunts, uncles and cousins live with you? Write down the number of people in your immediate family. Count the number of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents you have. Add this to the number of people in your immediate family. What would happen if you all had to live in one house? Consider the amount of room that many people would take up and how much food and water they’d need.
Human use of Natural Resources Meet their three basic needs Food Clothing Shelter Can be consumptive use and non- consumptive use
Consumptive Use Using a natural resource so that the amount used no longer exists. Each time that resource is used, its supply is reduced. Example = hunting Once that animal is killed and removed from the wild, it no longer exists.
Non-consumptive Use Using a natural resource without reducing its supply An example of non-consumptive use is watching wildlife
Human Population Trends Population = number of people in a given area Current world population = 6.86 billion Predicted to double in the next 50 years Current US population = 310 million
Land-use Planning Deciding how land will be used Includes guidelines on how to use the land for agricultural, commercial, and residential areas Urban areas rely on rural areas to provide them with quality water, a consistent food supply, and materials to build their homes. Rural areas depend on urban areas to do their best to keep the environment clean and healthy.
Recycling and Reusing Natural Resources Demand for natural resources can be reduced if we recycle and/or reuse the ones we currently use Can ensure the sustainability of natural resources Sustainability = going about life so that resources are available for future generations to use