JRC CI Interdependencies: Real time disaster response capability José R. Martí, KD Srivastava, and i2Sim Team The University of British Columbia 1 Complex Interdependent Systems Group 1
JRC University of British Columbia JIIRP project Sponsored by PS (Public Safety Canada and NSERC) V2010 Olympics Sponsored by DRDC (Defence Research and Development Canada) 2
JRC UBC’s Multidisciplinary Team Electrical and Computer Engineering Civil Engineering Software Engineering Computer Science Business Geography Clinical Psychology Graphics and Multi-Media 12 Researchers 12 Graduate Students 2 Post Doctoral Fellows 2 Research Engineer 3
JRC Our Objective and Motivation “First priority during disaster situations is, and should be, human survival” 4
JRC Human Vulnerability 5
JRC Panic and Belonging 6
JRC San Francisco Bay: Earthquake of M6.8 or Greater Due Now! A major earthquake on the Hayward Fault, in a highly populated section of the San Francisco Bay Area, is due. The last major earthquake on the Hayward Fault was in 1868, 140 years ago –Research by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) indicate the past five such earthquakes have been 140 years apart on average. A Hayward Fault EQ will adversely impact up to 5 Million people –Damage will likely exceed $1.5 Trillion –Up to 70% of the loss will be sustained in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties - The majority of that being in Alameda County 7
JRC Vancouver’s Juan de Fuca Plate 88 Source: GSC
JRC The Big One (M7-9) due this Century Medium ones (M6-7) Due Now Juan de Fuca’s plate slid into the continental coast years ago It is due time to slide back The magnitude is expected to be fairly large (VIII to X), “THE BIG ONE” Historically, nine moderate to large earthquakes have occurred (Mw = 6-7) within 250 km of Vancouver in the last 130 years 9
JRC Human Needs (Maslow)
JRC Disaster Mitigation Timeline EmergencyRecovery Months to yearsDays to weeksHours to daysDays to months 1 Preparation 2 Response 3 Recovery Physiological Safety Love/Belonging Esteem Being 11
JRC Individual Survival Needs & Critical Sectors SURVIVAL TOKENS 1.Water (suitable for drinking) 2.Food (adequate for emergency situations) 3.Body Shelter (breathable air, clothing, temperature, housing) 4.Panic Control (hope, political and religious leaders, psychologists, media) 5.Personal Communication (whereabouts of loved ones) 6.Individual Preparedness (education) 7.Sanitation (waste disposal, washing) 8.Medical Care (medicines, physicians, nurses) 9.Civil Order (fire fighters, police, army) CRITICAL SECTORS (CANADA) 1.Energy 2.Water 3.Food 4.Financial 5.Communications 6.Transport 7.Health 8.Safety, Order 9.Government, Defence 10.Manufacturing 12
JRC System of Systems 13
JRC Scope Systems Planning Time scale of weeks, months Statistical models, steady state models, long-dynamics models Policy planning Disaster Response Time scale of hours, days Urgency of saving human lives Infrastructures emergency response plans Emergency response management (EOC’s) Real time models First Responders Ground zero actions
JRC Disaster Response Plans During normal times, each infrastructure (power grid, telecom system, etc.) knows very well how to respond to problems in its own system: send out repair crews, readjust operation, etc. Disaster response plans are normally developed assuming the other infrastructures will be available However, during large-scale disasters, multiple infrastructures are damaged simultaneously and individual response plans are not sufficient Vital survival tokens need to be delivered very rapidly to prevent panic 15
JRC Each Infrastructure is Responsible for its Internal Operation Each entity, be it a power network or a hospital, has its own models and internal modes of operation for normal times and for emergency times Models exist to simulate disaster events, e.g., forest fires, floods, etc. We can separate disaster modelling from infrastructures operating modes i2Sim provides an integration environment to optimize the combined actions of the interdependent infrastructures Solution is very fast for real-time what-if scenarios
JRC Hospital needs 100 MW 200 km3 water Power Substation 100 MW available out of 200 MW Water Station needs 60 MW Residences need 40 MW 50 km3 water 100 MW 0 MW 0 km3 60 MW 30 MW 10 MW 0 MW 150 km3 0 km3 30 km3 Resources Allocation Black bad decision because hospital cannot function without water Blue good decision to optimize global objective 17
JRC Fast Survival Response Temporary Islands
JRC Coordination & Control (C2’) I2Sim EOC Emergency Operations Centre (can be virtual) Power AgentWater AgentRoads Agent i2Sim Choices in redirecting power? Change Substation Dispatch done Level 2 Thévenin Models Thévenin Power Control Centre Roads Control CentreWater Control Centre Detailed Internal Thévenin External Detailed Internal Thévenin External Detailed Internal Thévenin External Thévenin IDBi2dB 19 Choices in redirecting water? Choices in alternative roads?
JRC No Action A (I2Sim) Alternative actions Action A1 (I2Sim) Action A2 (I2Sim) Real World Action B1 (I2Sim) Action B2 (I2Sim) A B A, B = decision points Decision A - Take Action A2 Decision B - Take Action B1 Screens at A - Real World - No Action A (I2Sim) - Action A1 (I2Sim) - Action A2 (I2Sim) A No Action B (I2Sim) Decision Making Look-Ahead and Rewind Capability 20
JRC I2Sim Real Time Platform 21
JRC i2Sim Ontology Cells (Production Units) A hospital cell requires inputs: electricity, water, doctors, medicines, etc. and produces outputs: patients healed Channels (Transportation Unit) The electricity to the hospital is carried by wires, the water is carried by pipes, the doctors are carried by the transit system Tokens (Exchange Unit) Quantities that are the inputs and the outputs of the cells, e.g., water is a token, a doctor is a token, a phone call is a token Controls (Distributors, Aggregators) Interface the physical layer with the decisions making layer, e.g., if electricity supply is limited, how much should go to the hospital and how much to the water pumping station
JRC Basic i2Sim Model 23
JRC Regional Scaling 24
JRC Hospital m = 70% Power Station Operability m = 60% Water Station m = 80% x 1 (t) x 5 (t) x 2 (t)x 3 (t) x 4 (t) Residential m = 40% Cell x 6 (t) Cell Channel electrical healed people Cell x 2 (t) = a.x 1 (t-Tau) aggregator distributor External Source Reserve External Source Channel electrical Channel water Channel electrical x 7 (t) x 8 (t) x 8 (t)=m x 7 (t) Only power operator needs details of power station 25
JRC Cell Model 26
JRC Channel Model 27
JRC Internal Details Private Only External Operating Modes Needed 28
JRC Colour Code by DHS HRT
JRC Input (x)Internal (m)Output (y) PowerWaterPumpsWater 100% 2 150% 100%2 or 150% 0%100%2 or 10% 100%50%2 or 150% 100%0%2 or 10% 2 or 10% Human Readable Table (HRT) Water Pumping Station 30 hidden
JRC Physical Modes and Resource Modes Colors (DHS) Physical Operability % 70-84% 45-69% 26-44% 0-25% PM01Patients discharge d/hour ElectricityWaterDoctors yx1x2x3 RM01100% RM0250%70%50%40% RM030% PM02Patients discharge d/hour ElectricityWaterDoctors yx1x2x3 RM0160%70%40%60% RM0220%30% 20% RM030% Effective Operability 31
JRC Models Granularity The HRT’s can be built with fine granularity data or with very coarse data with no numerical problems in the solution High granularity data rarely available and not really needed for effective emergency response Choices by operating models are usually limited (e.g., power substation, hospital, etc.)
JRC Cells State 33 Physical Operability (100%) Effective Operability (50%) because of lack of water Physical Operability (50%) Effective Operability (0%) because of lack of electricity
JRC Human Factors Can be incorporated the same way as physical damage, i.e., as physical operability reduction Doctors past their shift time will have slower reactions, as a result, the hospital output will be reduced Human errors can reduce output and also create accidents Accidents correspond to damage events
JRC Events An event is an action that changes the operability of cells or channels Model is independent of what or who produces the event Damage event degrades operability Repair event upgrades operability Decisions change resources allocation at output distributors
JRC Some Math 36
JRC Linearized Thévenin Model
JRC Transportation/Interdependencies Matrix 38
JRC UBC Campus I2Sim Interdependencies Matrix 39
JRC Sensitivity Analysis The well-known “Sensitivity Network Approach” can be directly applied to the interdependencies matrix Where h is some parameter in T or W 40
JRC State Matrix System dynamics can be expressed in state-space form: Where state matrix A represents the system’s own dynamics and matrix B represents the state transitions forced by the excitation events Matrices A and B can be directly obtained from the system’s transportation matrix:
JRC PC-Cluster for Large Systems 42
JRC UBC’s Vancouver campus is a small municipality 2,000 acres 50,000 daily transitory occupants full time residents own utilities Human and Physical layers were classified into: 19 types of cells; and 7 types of channels UBC Campus Test Case 43
JRC UBC Buildings Structural Damage 44
JRC UBC Lifelines 45
JRC Power House Main Substatio n Residenc es Hospit al 46 Cells and Channels from Physical Map
JRC Interdependent Damage Assessment Interdependent (new) Overlaid (classical) 47
JRC Damage and Casualties 48
JRC Events: Damage by flood Change distributor ratio Repair asset Human error Human tiredness... Multiple Events Simulation Flow
JRC Node 1 Node 4 Node 3 Node 5 Node 2 PC-Cluster Simulation
JRC Timings Closed solution much faster than open iterative solutions (e.g., agent-based modelling) by two or three orders of magnitude As an example, a system of 3,000 cells with 15 inputs/outputs per cell (45,000 state variables) for a 10 hr scenario with delta-t = 5 minutes in a few seconds of computer time Interactive scenario playing is basically instantaneous Allows for look ahead and rewind for decision making in real time 51
JRC Summary All infrastructures represented Models based on operability tables (HRT’s) HRT’s determined by physical damage and resources availability Decisions determine resources allocation Real time environment What if capability Off-line system design On-line training Real-Time disaster event management
JRC Thank You! 53