Social influence and Groups Made by: Erika Aidukaitė, PSbns1-01
Content Introduction Description of Social Influence and Groups The secret of conformity Compliance: Submitting to Direct Social Pressure Persuading and compliance techniques Guidline to make you attractive Obedience and Milgram’s experiment Conclusions References
Introduction Social influence is essential thing nowadays. Many people, organisations and even children are influenced by others every single day. The main reason: an opinion of majority of people affect person’s attitude What we have to know: how this mechanism works? What is important from psychological perspective.
How to describe Social Influence and Groups? Social influence – the process by which the actions of an individual or group affect the behaviour of others. Groups – two or more people who interact with one another, perceive themselves as part of a group, and interdependent. Interdependent – abipusiškai priklausomas
The secret of conformity Conformity – a change in behaviour or attitudes brought about by a desire to follow the beliefs or standards of other people. Brought about - sukeltas
The secret of conformity Solomon Asch and his classic experiment of conformity (1950) About 75% of all participants conformed at least once. Significant findings: The characteristics of group. The situation in which the individual is responding. The kind of task. Unanimity of the group.
Compliance: Submitting to Direct Social Pressure Compliance – behaviour that occurs in response to direct social pressure. Several specific techniques represent attempts to gain compliance. compliance – sutikimas submitting – pasidavimas, paklusimas direct – tiesioginis attempts – pastangos
Persuading and other techniques According to R. Cialdini: –Reciprocity (I help you, but you help me too) –Liking (I’m like you) –Commintment and consistency (keep your promise) –Social proof (think like others) –Authority (I’m the boss) –Scarcity (Hurry up, then you’ll get it) Other techniques: –Door-in-the-face (from bigger to smaller request) –Foot-in-the-door (from smaller to bigger request) –That’s-not all –Not-so-free
Guidline to make you attractive Agree Flatter Repeat nonverbal language Flatter – meilikauti, girti
Conclusions Social influence’s phenomenon could be met every day, even when people are deciding with friends which film is the best to watch. Many experiments that are made to investigate the phenomenon of social influence are important. It depends on a person’s choice to obey or not to social influence.
References Literature: R. S. Feldman “Understanding Psychology”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2011 (Module 53) Internet: (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) Pictures (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) (watched ) /?link=ibaf&q=door+in+the+face&imgurl= _door_xlarge.jpeg (watched ) /?link=ibaf&q=door+in+the+face&imgurl= _door_xlarge.jpeg (watched ) (watched ) (watched )
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