Lesson 3
Objectives Explain how the world is becoming more interdependent. Highlight concerns facing the global community. Demonstrate the interconnectedness of global issues and solutions.
Warm Up What are 2 challenges facing developing nations? Political Instability Economic Instability Overpopulation Urbanization Lack of education & services Heavy debt
T-P-S: What’s your reaction to the following quote?
Globalization Growing integration of world’s economies & societies. When & Why? Age of Exploration? 1990s? Technological advances change business & communications Economic – Interdependence, free trade & investment Social – Blending of cultures (media & consumerism), cultural homogeneity? Political – Regional & internatl org’s & laws, threat to sovereignty?
Global Issues Transcend borders, govts, & orgs Promote international cooperation List as many issues as you can think of that concern all nations of the world.
Global Issues Refugees 100’s of 1000’s who flee homeland / yr Drug Trade Crime & terrorism Terrorism Indiscriminate violence Environment Climate change Human disasters Health Pandemics Economy Financial crisis Human Rights Basic freedoms Technology Advances to ease problems?
Class Activity Making Global Connections Your group will receive 3 “Issue Cards” Create a web/concept map that explains how the 3 are connected. We will rotate cards among groups, each time, expand your web to incorporate new issues. What does this represent or signify about global issues?
Class Activity Making Global Connections Take an “Issue Card” Pass the rope to another student who will read their issue and explain how the two are connected. If you have trouble, you may trade cards with a student who can help! Pull rope tight and take turns tugging on string…what does this represent or signify about global issues?
Closure Why might it be helpful to understand how and why global issues are interconnected? How can this understanding help us find solutions to the problems surrounding these issues?
Homework Wiki Post “Global Issues” What global issue do you think most needs to be addressed by the international community? Why? It can be an issue we discussed today in class or during the activity, or you can address an additional issue. Introduction - Discussion Tab