Elementary School years of age Plant and animal life: The importance of light Elementary School years of age
Primary School know that animals and plants in the local habitat are interdependent 2. Learning objctives The child will be enabled to:
Discovery based learning (field trip) Colaborative learning (problem solving) 3. Strategies of teaching and learning
ACTIVE LEARNING Constructivism Discovery learning 4. Teaching model
Classroom Fieldstrip Introduction W.C.-Pairs-Group-W.C. Instructions 5. Procedures Material Video: light plants grow Pictures Worksheets
The children will be enabled to: Identify the importance of light in the foodchain Identify the relationship between animals in the foodchain Create a foodchain in the correct order 6. Learning outcomes
Learning process: High order and low order questions Keeping notes about questions Observations of children’s interaction Worksheets 7. Evaluation Teaching process Continious reflection