Biosphere By Ethan
What is the biosphere and what is it made up of? The biosphere is all of the living things on earth. It is made up of trees animals and humans.
What interactions occur within this sphere and Why? How are they interdependent? Atmosphere Ozone change Ozone change Photosynthesis PhotosynthesisGeosphere Hurricanes Hurricanes Coal Mining Coal Mining Volcanoes Volcanoes Nutrient cycles Nutrient cyclesHydrosphere: Tsunami Tsunami Photosynthesis Photosynthesis
What cycles are included in the biosphere? Carbon dioxide cycle Carbon dioxide cycle Plant Life cycle Plant Life cycle Animal life cycle Animal life cycle
Are there any layers or physical features in the biosphere?
How do humans impact the biosphere and how can we change that? How do humans impact the biosphere and how can we change that? Negatives: Deforestation- extinction of flora and fauna by clearing of natural habitat. Deforestation- extinction of flora and fauna by clearing of natural habitat. Planting a single crop reduces diversity and makes that crop susceptible to pests and insects. Planting a single crop reduces diversity and makes that crop susceptible to pests and insects. Burning of Fossil fuels leads to pollution of land, air, and water. Burning of Fossil fuels leads to pollution of land, air, and water. Hunting has led to extinction of a few species Hunting has led to extinction of a few speciesPositives: Selective breeding- higher yields in cattle Selective breeding- higher yields in cattle
Credits elect Format: MLA | APA | Chicago | Turabian "Biosphere." Preserving Your Articles for Eternity. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr "Biosphere." E notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan Ellis, Dr. Erle. "Biosphere." The Encyclopedia of Earth. N.p., 8 Jan Web. 28 Jan "Interactions in the Earth System." Earth- A Dynamic Structure. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar Rader, Andrew. "Biosphere Basics." Geography 4 Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb