Water Use Demands Different approaches taken by Districts in determining reasonable-beneficial demands when assigning permit allocations. Two primary stakeholder groups: Agriculture Public Water Supply
Workgroup Concepts Level of Certainty Rainfall condition under which allocations are determined 1-in-10 year drought is less rain than a 2-in-10 year drought 1-in-10 2-in-10 Existing level of certainty across Districts:
Workgroup Concepts Recommended Level of Certainty: 1-in-10 Make permitting level of certainty consistent with planning level of certainty ( , F.S.) Different level of certainty may apply in areas with specific resource concerns.
Workgroup Concepts Public Water Supply Demands Build on guidance from 2008 DEP/WMD per capita memo. Historic use Use five years of historic per capita data. Future demands Population methodology Per capita Methods under investigation / feedback requested: Parcel Based with annual updates to coincide with annual per capita and land use designation changes Traffic Analysis Zones / Census Blocks
Workgroup Concepts Irrigation Demands Use the same equation statewide with variables accounting for regional differences. Investigating AFSIRS method with GWRAPPS GIS- based platform. Subgroup formed of technical staff from the Districts, FDEP, FDACS. CropIrrigation Soil Type Rainfall Supplemental SystemDemand
Workgroup Concepts All Other Use Classes Define use classes Planning Permitting Develop allocation recommendations. 0.1 gpd 0.06 gpd
Next Steps Receive feedback from Workshops Irrigation allocation methodology Public water supply population and per capita All other use categories Continue work group meetings Update recommendations per comments
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