The National Public Alerting System & The Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System Richard Moreau, Chief Interoperability Development Office Public Safety Canada The National Public Alerting System & The Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System Richard Moreau, Chief Interoperability Development Office Public Safety Canada DATE: May 1, 2012 RDIMS #
Purpose ● To provide an overview of national emergency alerting & information exchange initiatives in Canada: The National Public Alerting System (NPAS); and The Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) 1
Canadian Public Safety Priority ● Published January 2011 Strategy updated every 3 years Action Plan updated annually ● Identifies National Public Alerting System, MASAS and Common Alerting Protocol as national priorities ● Identifies roles and responsibilities...including shared governance ● Identifies investment priorities 2
3 National Public Alerting System NAADS
Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) ● MASAS is a system-of-systems that facilitates the sharing of authoritative location-based situational awareness information, in near real-time, within Canada’s emergency management community and with international partners. ● MASAS connects emergency management partner systems by leveraging open interoperability standards, protocols and operational policies. ● Implementation of MASAS is a priority for F/P/T interoperability partners – Action Item in the Communications Interoperability Action Plan for Canada. ● MASAS national implementation initiative (development & operational support) is a partnership of: Defence R&D Canada - Centre for Security Science Natural Resources Canada - Mapping Information Branch Public Safety Canada - Interoperability Development Office
MASAS Cost-Efficient & Cost-Effective Approach ● Real-time alerting & information dissemination can lead to increased awareness and decreased response times ● Faster information processing through geographic visualization and standard messaging reduces confusion; allows more time for emergency management ● Collaboration via MASAS lowers costs for all participants, as existing investments in data & decision support tools will be re-usable across Canada ● Reduced information silos & duplication ● No new tools required
MASAS: Information Sharing Model Your Tools Their Tools Firewall GIS, IMS, CAD, sensors, analytics, etc. Desktop or mobile Your Tools Your Tools Their Tools Their Tools Share information once with all... rather than once with each Location and Event type Urgency, severity, certainty Status Time Response types Link to more information
Multi Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) 7
Training MASAS Basic Toolset MASAS Information Exchange (MASAS-X) Your Tools Their Tools Firewall ESRI, EmerGeo, Interdev, Sentinel, IHS, CriSys, Command View, IDV, MyStateUSA, SharePoint, Hazus, …, basic MASAS tools Your Tools Your Tools Their Tools Incident management, mapping, dispatch, consoles, tablets, smartphones, sensors, digital radio, … 8 Exercise Ops
MASAS: Current Status ● As of November 1 st, 2011 MASAS-X has gone live with integral dedicated technical support. ● MASAS-X is available for training, exercise and operational use. ● Strong national interest/engagement from all F/P-T/M, Critical Infrastructure stakeholders. Fed: GOC-TC-DND-RCMP, HC, EC P: NB, BC, ON, MB, AB, PEI North: PS Regional, JTF-N, YU, NWT Municipalities: Many Utilities, CI and Industry ● Strong cross-border interest / engagement MASAS – US IPAWS MASAS – vUSA (Virtual USA) 9
CA-US Public Safety Priority Beyond the Border Action Plan Page 25: “The second working group will focus on cross-border interoperability as a means of harmonizing cross-border emergency communications efforts. It will pursue activities that promote the harmonization of the Canadian Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System with the United States Integrated Public Alert and Warning System to enable sharing of alert, warning, and incident information to improve response coordination during binational disasters. Specifically, this working group will...” 10 Working with DHS S&T Virtual USA Program as well.
Common Alerting Protocol, Canadian Profile (CAP-CP) 11 ● Defines rules for Canadian implementations Defined within constraints of CAP – fully compliant Defines list of Canadian event and location codes Addresses requirements for languages Makes it mandatory to use a Canadian event and location code Limits each alert to only one event type Systems/users may limit the lists, impose additional rules (“layer”) – Ex. Broadcast intrusive list
Governance for CAP Canadian Profile 12
Alerting Business / Policy Challenges 13 ● National efforts includes long list of stakeholders with individual needs / business considerations. Stakeholders include: ● EMOs in 13 Provinces/Territories (serving 1000s of alert issuing organizations in their jurisdictions) ● Multiple Federal EMOs and alert issuing organizations (e.g. Environment Canada) ● Public-Private Partnerships (e.g. Pelmorex NAADS) ● Canadian public - ~34 Million ● Language diversity ● Cross-border emergencies and information sharing
Next Steps 14 Canada’s Emergency Alerting Priorities for include: NPAS/NAADS -implementation of an end-to-end national public alerting system -common look and feel guidelines / standards -support expansion of public alerting to wireless devices CAP-CP -Establishing Change Management Process w/ Governance -Standing up Technical Specification Committees and initiating management cycle -CAP-CP 1.0 MASAS Support national implementation: -operationalizing national MASAS and interface with P/T systems -national GIS system -high-level SA architecture -Information exchange SOPs -Operations Centre Interconnectivity Portal -high-resilience environment Support information sharing during binational diasters: -Canada/U.S. information sharing MOU/MOA for IPAWS-MASAS
Thank you & Contact Information Thank you! If you have any questions, comments or would like to receive further information, please contact us: Richard Moreau, Chief, Interoperability Development Office Jeff Boyczuk, Senior Program Officer