“Introduction to Planning and the Environment - An Overview” Neil Feggans, Development Planning & Customers Team Leader, Planning Service
Ground Rules Don’t wish to discuss: specific planning applications or proposals merits of development plan policies/sites/proposals
What planning does? Regulates and controls the development and use of land, in the public interest Shapes physical, economic, social and cultural environments
How does planning do that? - Legislative Context Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 Specific definition of “development” Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 Introduces objective of contributing to sustainable development in exercising planning functions Related & subordinate legislation Prescribes what planning authorities must do
How does planning do that? – Policy Context Scottish Planning Policy (2010) – under review Statement of Scottish Government policy on various planning topics e.g. Housing, retail, wind farms, minerals, access Planning Advice Notes (PANs) Suite of Govt. best practice advice on planning matters National Planning Framework (NPF) 2 (NPF3 draft) Identifies Govt. national priority developments
How does planning do that? – Main Strands 3 main strands of Planning: Development Plan (planning policy) Development Management (planning applications & enforcement of planning control) Environmental/Other Planning Matters
Development Plan Policy framework for assessing planning applications Allocates land for different purposes e.g. Housing, industry Provides certainty to investors/developers and public as to where different forms of development can/can’t take place
Development Plan and Policy NegotiationImplementation Planning Application Community Engagement = Investment Certainty =Promote development = Quality environment = Economic Development
Development Plan evidence based Process of stakeholder engagement key agencies e.g. SNH, Historic Scotland, SEPA Public consultation Current Development Plan comprises AJSP (2007) SALP (2007) Proposed LDP – approved for examination (2013)
Development Plan Policies that seek to protect: Historic environment – scheduled monuments, listed buildings, conservation areas, designed landscapes Natural environment – designated sites (SSSI, LWS) protected species, biodiversity, landscape, trees Outdoor access/active travel routes Policies promoting good design Policies supporting: Renewable energy developments Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Reserve CSGN Ayrshire & Galloway Dark Skies Park Supplementary guidance – more policy detail
Development Management Processing applications for planning permission, listed building consent, advertisement consent etc. Enforcement of control e.g. Conditions, unauthorised development Must determine applications in accord with Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise
Some Material Considerations Scottish Planning Policy Planning history of site Residential amenity Landscape/townscape impact Impact on built & natural heritage e.g designated sites, protected species, scenic areas Design – materials, height, scale, massing, layout and relationship to surroundings Public access rights Road access, parking, road safety Economic benefit Legitimate public concern/support on planning matter
Environmental/Other Planning Matters Historic environment – policy/strategy, conservation area designation/appraisals/management plans, listing proposals Natural Environment – wildlife (sites and species), landscape Tree Preservation/Enforcement - TPOs, TWAs Outdoor Access Implementation - projects
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