Lene Oftedal, Ruard Wallis de Vries European Commission Oslo Bologna experts – challenges and expectations
2 1.The Challenges for Higher Education 2.The Policy Context 3.National teams of Bologna experts 4.The trainings 5.Conclusions Outline presentation
Challenges for Higher Education Access, participation and successful completion of studies Deliver high quality education and research Need to improve tranversal skills (critical thinking creativity, entrepeneurial skills, flexibility, language skills Need to improve the knowledge triangle to obtain excellence
Challenges cont. Deliver high quality education and research Massification Graduate unemployability International cooperation Increase Learning Mobility Equality of opportunities in higher education
Europe2020 benchmarks Early School Leaving Higher Education Attainment (Age 30-34) % 10% at most % 40% at least
Source: DG Education and Culture – Data source: Eurostat (LFS) Note: Croatia: 2002 instead of Luxembourg and Malta: 2010 data is provisional
8 Europe2020 The Bologna Process Education&Training 2020 Modernisation of Higher Education European Policy Context
European tools Open Method of Coordination Programmes – LLP, Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie (FP7) Transparency tools : European Credit and Transfer System and Diploma Supplement – ECTS & DS, rankings EU plays facilitating, agenda-setting and benchmarking role NAs to coordinate the national teams Bologna experts – executive role
National Teams of Bologna experts Since 2004 Actors: the Commission, the LLP National Authorities, the LLP NA, the Bologna Experts Based on: the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Invitation to submit, National Applications, Activity Plans Co-financing: Activity Plans up to 90% co-financed by the EU Commission Purpose, framework, tasks, profile
National Teams of Bologna experts Purpose to provide a pool of expertise to promote and enhance progress toward higher education reform in the LLP countries. The Activity Plan for the National Teams will make sure that all those involved in Higher Education on a national level benefit from the pan-European nature of these reforms.
National Teams of Bologna experts Framework Category I:Implementing the Bologna Process reforms and/or Category II: Promoting European Union initiatives and programmes in the field of higher education, and in relation to the Bologna Process
National Teams of Bologna experts Tasks - At national level. Priorities: promoting the use of Bologna-approved tools of recognition, such as ECTS, the Diploma Supplement and the Learning Agreement. This includes assistance in the preparation and assessment of ECTS and DS labels applications. assistance in setting up National Qualification Frameworks. assistance to higher education institutions in setting up internal quality assurance systems at HEI level.
National Teams of Bologna experts Tasks - at international level. Participate in European training events Invite Bologna Experts from other National Teams to provide advice and assistance Organisation of events involving Bologna Experts from various countries ECTS visits : Bologna Experts from other National Teams may be invited to advise higher education institutions on the correct implementation of ECTS.
National Teams of Bologna experts Profile “peer-to-peer” exercise. Bologna Experts are professionals active in higher education advising their colleagues on how best to introduce higher education reforms. The Experts do not replace the work done by Ministries … Balanced team, covering Bologna priorities. Students
National Teams of Bologna experts Profile - Members of the National Team are to hold one of the following positions (or a combination thereof): (Vice-)Rectors Deans Senior Academics Directors of Study International Relations Officers Higher Education Experts
Bologna experts’ training Learn more about keys issues Discuss with and learn from peers Get inspired Active participation Bring knowledge back home to be a better activist for reforming higher education
What’s next 2 more years with the Higher Education Reform Project/National teams of Bologna experts – Training in focus areas to improve mobility, recognition, social dimension Implementation of ECTS and DS Communication on Modernisation of Higher Education (autumn 2011) and Bologna 2012 Communiqué will be agenda setting
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