Goncharov Kazakh Automobile Road Academy
KazADI located in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Almaty city
KazADI main building
KazADI Specialties ● 5В Transport construction (bachelor – master degree) ● 5В Construction (bachelor – master degree) ● 5В Production of building materials components and structures ● 5В – Transport, transport equipment and technologies (bachelor – master degree) ● 5В Organization of transportation, traffic and exploitation of transport (bachelor – master degree) ● 5В – Information systems ● 5В – Economics ● 5В – Management ● 5В – Accounting and auditing ● 5В – Finance ● 5В – Marketing
Higher-education teaching personnel of KazADI Full number of HETP people including: 24 – Doctors of Science; 85 - Ph.D.
National accreditation center NATIONAL RATING 2012 Goncharov Kazakh Automobile Road Academy, among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan took the 3rd place on bachelor degree specialties: 5В «Construction» 5В «Organization of transportation, traffic and exploitation of transport»
KazADI representatives in Kazakhstan
Number of students in KazADI Total – 3107 students from them: 2178 – students of full-time education; 929 – students of part-time education; from 2001 up to 2013 KAZADI have nearly 8000 alumni
SCIENCE AND CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION Ghent University Association Howest Belgium TADI Institute Tashkent SIBADI Omsk Adjou Motor College S. Korea MADI Institute Moscow LLP AsphaltBeton Almaty LLP "АZMK" LLP "СМEU" LLP “Kazdorproject" LLP “NIITK" JSC “KazdorNII" Almaty filial of GE “Kazakhautodor" LLP KazNIPI “Dortrans" LLP Almaty auto center “KAMAZ" JSC DК МТК RK JSC “DEU Autobase" KAZADI SCA GE “Metropolitan " LLP “Dangil" LLP Corporation “Progress" AADK LLP «Urinvest- Stroy» LLP «Otan Kurilis Engineering group» LLP «ADEKODOR» MAADO
Scientific research work For further development and quality improvement of researches institute have certificated stationary laboratory for quality control of road-building materials and works, mobile road laboratory for assessment of transport and operational qualities of highways and traffic safety. In 2011 contracts for such works are signed: 1. Diagnostics, the technical account and certification of regional value highways in Zhambyl area (total amount – nearly for 340 thousands euro). The customer – Governmental unit of Zhambyl area controlling construction, passenger transport and automobile roads «The technical account and certification of regional value highways in Zhambyl area» - nearly for 190 thousands euro «Diagnostics of regional value highways in Zhambyl area» - nearly for 147 thousands euro.
Control unit PKRS-2U Mobile road laboratory PKRS-2U in working situation
Stationary road laboratory KazADI
AJOU MOTOR COLLEGE Goncharov Kazakh Automobile Road Academy (KazADI) Science and education association «KAZADI – Howest - AMC»
On November 20, 2011 the opening ceremony of KazADI campus construction took place. In the territory of 6 hectares in short time will be new educational buildings with modern laboratories, sport complex, hostel.
Multipurpose sport complex of KazADI
FIFA standards stadium
L.B. Goncharov Kazakh Automobile Road Academy KAZADI Kazakhstan, Almaty Raimbek ave 417 А +7(727) Thank you for attention!