It is very easy to relate to people we think is competent as competent It is very hard to relate to people we think is less competent as competent. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Main institutions Yrkeshögskolan – “Yrkeshögskolan” deals with qualified vocational education and the standards are set by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten förYrkeshögskolan) who decides upon curricular and validation, they also administer governmental funding and administration. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
In December 2009 the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education got an assignment from the Swedish government to make a proposition about new descriptors in a national frame for validation/assessment of competences. Its standpoint should be the recommendations from the European Parliament and the framework of qualifications within Life Long Learning (EQF) and the result should be adapted to a national framework (NQF). L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
The framework should be applicable not only to the formal public educational system, but also to actors outside the public educational system Present a model for how to fit the assessment of competences to the national framework and to the framework of EQF and its different levels. The national framework should be as close to the European framework as possible, and have the same structural base. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
To get legitimacy in the working environment for the national framework of assessment it is also regarded as very important to include non-formal education, a great deal of education is taking place in the work life outside the formal education system. Assessment of competences has to be made possible in the frame of vocational education and popular adult education. (*Source: Återrapportering av regeringsuppdrag 2010, Förslag till ett svenskt kvalifikationsramverk,YH 2010/YH2042) L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Portofolio, the Folkuniversitetet way The portofolio consists of ten modules: – Before the education start – “Mini” biography – Biography – Dossier – Portofolio – Short presentation – Logbook – Individual study plan – Help in validation – Swedish scale for self assessment L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
EU-projekten\Aktuella projekt\Berlin projektet\Material till Kristianstad-mötet Kompetenz-stark\Before the start.doc EU-projekten\Aktuella projekt\Berlin projektet\Material till Kristianstad-mötet Kompetenz-stark\Before the start.doc L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
EU-projekten\Aktuella projekt\Berlin projektet\Material till Kristianstad-mötet Kompetenz-stark\Biography.doc EU-projekten\Aktuella projekt\Berlin projektet\Material till Kristianstad-mötet Kompetenz-stark\Biography.doc L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
EU-projekten\Aktuella projekt\Berlin projektet\Material till Kristianstad-mötet Kompetenz-stark\Validation.doc L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
An informal model for assessment of competences GROW Four steps + one initial step: Topic, Goal, Reality, Options, Way forward The origin comes from the British ”supercoach” Graham Alexander L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Topic Establish contact, get a feeling that you are”in” the situation. This is about motions, feelings and trust. Decide on a topic for the dialogue, a) knowledge- or competence development in some specific area, b) to get some understanding about how certain issues are connected or constructed, c) a problem regarding work, social life, private life, health etc. Make a plan for the dialogue or sessions of dialogues regarding the chosen topic. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Goal Decide about what is to come out from the dialogues: a) an action plan for knowledge- and competence development, b) a preliminary or definitive solution of the problem, c) highlight the problem using mentoring, d) make an action plan on how to solve the problem. Document the expected result, which should be equivalent to the goal, and it should also be SMART (specific, measureable, adapted, relevant and time set) to be able to follow up on how you are progressing in relation to your time frame. Express your aim. That is, what you want to gain by reaching your goal or goals. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Reality Talk about different aspects of the present situation. The coach confirms that he or she understands (by being “in” the situation), put in questions for clarification. The coach doesn’t contribute with teaching, guidance or counselling. Do not use standardized questions. When questioning this should be done in the context of the dialogue. Questions could be formulated according to the Case method (see next section). L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Options In this section of the dialogue it’s about finding ways and options to reach the goal. The ideal situation is when the client come up with his or hers own solutions to reach the goal. Different approaches could (should) be tested. Then the action plan should be formulated. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Way Forward Finally the client chooses a way to reach the goal. You try different alternatives, those that were discussed under section O (options), and those that rise during the process. A great deal of learning will take place during this process. L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Standardization On a common basis-”One size, fits all” or On a specific basis-”Branches, trades, occupations” Centralized or de-centralized Definitions L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Within Folkuniversitetet Standardization within our formal educations and schools, according to our Validation concept No standardized documentation, most used is the Flexus platform Documentation is mainly possessed by the individual There is no organized education regarding validation L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Competence assessment Soft skills Regarded important, taking into consideration our target groups Developing a “soft” model to assess competences of which participants not are aware of A slow process, main focus is to get the participants to see competences as competences L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
Things to consider to some extent via ready made forms for documentation will require a platform will require agreed upon definitions will require access to knowledge, internally and/or externally will require defined boundaries (i.e. soft kills) L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
will require close collaboration with employers and other stakeholders will require consensus will require education L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO
ISO certification in progress at Folkuniversitetet No centralized documentation Top-down regarding formal education Voluntary participation regarding informal and non- formal education L IFELONG L EARNING P ROGRAMME, I NNOVATIONS TRANSFER AGREEMENT DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147367/ DE2-LEO