February 6th, 2009 Berlin, Germany 3rd Meeting Administrative & Financial Issues This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Grant Agreement /
CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Interim Report (01/12/07- 30/09/08) AGREED BUDGETREALISED EXPENDITURES STAFF COSTS , ,52 TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE51.665, ,19 EQUIPMENT (Max 10% of A) 5.100, ,94 SUBCONTRACTING (max 30% of A) ,000,00 OTHER COSTS44.870,00743,62 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A) , ,27 INDIRECT COSTS (B) max 7% of A 7,00%19.090, ,726 TOTAL COSTS (A+B) , ,00
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
% EXPENDITURES CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Direct costs expenditure % of each partner CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Expenditure by TYPE OF COSTS and by PARTNER Direct costs staff cost Operations total direct cost % PARTNER NAME COUN TRY travel and subssistence Equipmen t Subcontracti ng Other Centro Studi e Formazione Villa MontescaIT 16273,001695,810,00 648, ,7227,90% University of SaarlandDE 2293,24464,5767,280, ,094,23% University of PitestiRO 3703,004332,000, ,0012,04% VUCDK 5530,001589,410, ,4110,67% Lo SkolenDK 5430,000, ,008,14% KTU LT 1670,002608,8222,550,0094,714396,086,59% BOLU Education Directorate TR 2349,002242,52582,630, ,157,75% Human Science Department -University of Perugia IT 1175,280, ,281,76% CISL IT 6339,001237,220, ,2211,35% Agora ES 4245,001614,84513,480, ,329,55% Total49007, ,191185,940,00743, ,27 %73,45%23,66%1,78%0,00%1,11% CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
A few Notes on the Expenditures After 10 months of project implementation the following cost categories have been underutilizedAfter 10 months of project implementation the following cost categories have been underutilized Subcontracts: no expenditure at all!Subcontracts: no expenditure at all! Other costs: 2% of the planned budgetOther costs: 2% of the planned budget Equipment costs: 19 % of the planned budgetEquipment costs: 19 % of the planned budget Staff Costs: 24% of the planned budgetStaff Costs: 24% of the planned budget CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
A few Notes on the Expenditures This may cause difficulties in re- conciliating the planned budget with the actual one and therefore in claiming the original grant. We do suggest to urgently re-plan your expenditures estimations in relation to the planned activities. CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
2nd PAYMENT The 2nd payment will be made as soon as the Agency communicate us the approval of the Interim Report 2nd Payment is equal to 30% of the contribution CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Remember Punctuality !! For a smooth and successful project management, we kindly ask the partnership to observe as much as possible the foreseen deadlines. CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Suggestions For providing you with support in accomplishing your administrative requirements For clarifying doubts and difficulties … please use the financial and administrative FORUM! CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Thank you for your kind attention! February 6th, 2009 Berlin, Germany 3rd Meeting CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs LLP IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Grant Agreement / This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein