Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 1 UNIVERSITY – BUSINESS COOPERATION THEMATIC FORUM ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Hotel Botánico, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 30th – 31st October 2008 Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS Multilateral projects - Virtual campuses This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 2 European Virtual campus conception I. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Central and Eastern Europe, early nineties: Rigid, long cycle higher education systems versus rapidly changing economic systems Reactions of the Hungarian educational government: 1.Introduction of a short cycle HE sector (attempt to adapt the French IUT system) 2.HU – PHARE project: „ Strengthening the links between education and economy” (8 MECU, 64 university projects)
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 3 European Virtual campus conception II. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 3.Open and distance learning networks in Central and Eastern Europe (PHARE multi-country project, 17 MECU, , beneficiaries: all the EU candidate countries) 40 regional ODL centres, 27 ODL courses in areas of strategic importance to the partner countries, most of them developed in co-operation with economic partners
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 4 European Virtual campus conception III. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Leonardo da Vinci Reference Material project / LE2-510REF ”International comparison and course development on SMEs” 8-country project for the development of comparative study and curricula of the countries SME systems Participating countries: Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary Sociology Institutes (for research) and Higher Education Institutions (for educational development)
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 5 European Virtual campus conception IV. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Results: 8 national studies on the countries SME systems Comparative study 8 e-Learning curricula on the basis of the national studies Comparative curriculum Website of the project: Website of the comparative curriculum: Usernames: demo-smetan11, demo-smetan12, …, demo-smetan40 Password: sme
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 6 European Virtual campus conception V. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Premises Rationale and background Aims and objectives Target sectors, target groups Associated projects: Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus Mobility projects, Leonardo da Vinci Reference Material project, ”International comparison and course development on SMEs” Socrates/Erasmus Curriculum Development project, ”Master commun en PME” of the present project
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 7 Consortium: Contractor: Budapest Business School, Hungary Partners: Universite Paris X Nanterre, France University of Essex, United Kingdom Hochschule Wismar, Germany Confederation of the Hungarian Employers and Industrialists, Hungary Bundesverband Mittelstandische Wirtschaft, Germany Indirectly:CGPME, France and EMMAUK, United Kingdom Duration: 24 months (01/10/2007 – 30/09/2009) Total budget: Euro (75% EC grant) Present project outline I. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 8 Workpackages: WP 1. - General Project Management WP 2. – Course Development Task 2.1: Creation of Quadrangles Task 2.2: Preparation of the Content Papers Task 2.3: Training Material/Curriculum Development Task 2.4: e-Learning Development WP 3. – Quality Management and Evaluation WP 4. – Broad Dissemination and Workshops WP 5. – Exploitation - Accreditation Results: 17 Content Papers in 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, HU) 17 Course modules in traditional form in 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, HU) 17 b-Learning curricula in 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, HU) A central and 4 local websites Newsletters, workshops, draft accreditation materials Present project outline II. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 9 Modules for the European Virtual SME Master course 7.Audit of Management 8.Financial Policy and Financial Markets 9.EU Social Law 10.EU Fiscal Policies 11.Advanced accounting 12.Purchasing strategies and Risk management Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 1.Strategic Marketing, Marketing Planning and Quantitative Methods of Marketing 2.International Finance and Treasury and Financing 3.General Strategies and Policies, Project Management 4.Management Information Systems and Production and Logistics 5.Business Law and Economy of Industry 6.Strategies and Organisation 13.Management of European SMEs 14.Advanced Financial Analysis 15.Import and Export Deal 16.Starting a Business 17.Human Resource Management in the EU
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 10 GANTT Plan of the present project Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Workpackages and Tasks Months 1-24Months 24 + WP1. General Project Management Task 1.1Planning and Evaluating Task 1.2Project Management Task 1.3Reporting WP2. Preparation and Design of Educational Products Task 2.1Creating Quadrangles Task 2.2Preparing Content Papers Task 2.3Training Material Dev. Task 2.3/aTranslation Task 2.4bLearning Development WP3. Quality Management and Evaluation WP4. Broad Dissemination & Workshops Task 4.1Broad Dissemination Task 4.2Workshops WP5. Exploitation - Accreditation
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 11 Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC Organizational chart of the present project Project manager Budapest Business School Project manager University of Essex Project manager UPX Project manager HS Wismar Director BVMW Project manager MGYOSZ Co-ordinator UPX Administrator UPX Quality manager UPX Co-ordinator University of Essex Administrator University of Essex Quality manager University of Essex Co-ordinator HS Wismar Administrator HS Wismar Quality manager HS Wismar Co-ordinator BBS Financial manager BBS Administrator BBS Quality manager BBS Administrator MGYOSZ Heads of quadrangles (3) Members of quadrangles (9) Members for revision (5) Heads of quadrangles (3) Heads of quadrangles (3) Heads of quadrangles (3) Members of quadrangles (9) Members of quadrangles (9) Members for revision (5) Members for adaptation (5) Members for revision (5) SME experts (3) SME experts (3) This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Péter Soltész, project manager, BBS 12 Thank you for your kind attention! Péter SOLTÉSZ Project manager Budapest Business School Buzogány utca, H-1149 Budapest, Hungary Tel: Fax: Mobile: Web: Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu LLP HU-ERASMUS-EVC This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.