EuroEd pathway: projects in course of implementation FACE IT! International Training and Conference Iasi, Romania July 2 – 4,
Chain stories (2006 – 2009) Lingua 1 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Romania Objectives: improve the motivation rates towards the knowledge of the LWULT languages, inside the same linguistic family Target group: school children aged Results: a chain story: creative and enhancing activity 5 to 10 chains: 1 st school 2 nd school 3 rd school 4 th school 5 th school
No Child Left Behind (2007 – 2009) Comenius project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Bulgaria Objectives: promote study support activities study support = key tool in a child’s formal curriculum learning devise a training programme for teachers and trainers of study support: ICT technologies in-built quality assurance mechanisms motivate teachers and trainers into producing an enriched and more stimulating study support curriculum for their own school. appreciate the European dimension of culture Target group: school children aged 5-18 Results: a training programme for teachers and trainers
TOOL2 Tool for Online and Offline Language Learning (2006– 2009) Lingua 2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Estonia, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Hungary, Malta, UK, Spain, Romania Objectives: make the learning LWULT European languages available at a larger scale use new methodologies: blended learning Target group : learners of Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Maltese and Slovene (basic A2 level courses) for work/ study/ leisure mobility purposes Learners in need of flexibility Results: five Blended Learning basic A2 level courses with a strong cultural component to be set up by teachers and language centres across Europe; highly demonstrative dissemination events; Sister project: Autonomous Language Learning - ALL (Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Turkish)
ALL Autonomous Language Learning (2006 – 2008) Lingua 2 Project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Spain, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey Objectives: to create materials at Level A2 for 4 LWULT languages: Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Turkish to apply the Common European Framework to Level A2 where the descriptors do not already exist; to use online technologies in a blended learning course to transfer the methodology of blended learning to other providers in the four target language countries. to create courses which are flexible for online activities, so that the course can be updated and adapted to the needs of different users; to develop learner autonomy Target groups: learners interested in foreign languages for work/study/leisure mobility purposes Results: 4 blended learning courses for: Romanian, Turkish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian
ELSTI European Languages for Secretaries – Transfer of Innovation ( ) Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries : Italy, Lithuania, UK, Romania Objective: developing the communication skills ( linguistic + cultural) in four languages: English, Italian, French and Spanish Target group: office staff (A2/ B1) Results: (available on the online platform) 1. Business language courses (2 levels, 4 languages) 2. Training package aiming at facilitating personal development 3. Business culture modules (9 +1 European cultures) 4. Student motivation module Transfer of Innovation: ELS (European Label in 2005) Experience New module: increasing student motivation Improvement
FACE IT! Families and Active Citizenship Education, an Integrated Training (2006 – 2008) Grundtvig 1 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Slovenia Target group: practitioners in Family Learning/Informal Learning, Adult Education, community support, active citizenship and participatory democracy Objectives: provide communities with tools to train professionals in how to effectively stimulate Active Citizenship within communities research into transferable existing models, course design (including country specific materials, with a Blended Learning format to allow maximum results), transfer of the models and expertise Results: Training programme with international trainer trainings cascaded at national/regional/local level International conference Handbook (development of active citizenship competences through family learning)
VIVACE The Lingua 1 project was financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: UK, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary Objective: The VIVACE project promotes languages and language learning to disadvantaged, marginalised and reluctant groups, working in close collaboration with those agencies and organisations which support them. Target group: disadvantaged, marginalised and reluctant groups Results: foreign languages sessions with members of the targeted groups
EFLN European Family Learning Network ( ) Grundtvig 4 – Networks: project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Romania, UK, France, Italy, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Norway Target groups: Practitioners in Family Learning/Informal Learning, Adult Education Objectives: address language, literacy, and numeracy needs of adults with low level skills through their wish to support their children’s development. create the infrastructure for sharing European good practice exchanging expertise sharing information Results: website Conferences and trainings for Family Learning/Informal Learning practitioners
CCN CLIL Cascade Network ( ) KA2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: UK, Romania, Italy, France, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Slovenia, Austria, Germany Objectives: addressing development needs regionally/nationally consolidating resources and expertise enable expert dialogue on a pan-European level creating the structures for informed development of teachers, schools, and educational administration at local, regional, and European levels Target groups: CLIL practitioners Results: network platform which will enable transfer of good practice from one environment to another
Dinocrocs Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Turkey Objectives: support improvement of the quality and attractiveness of the BG, RO and TK vocational systems of pre-school and primary school education integrating the Innovative model for training the pre-school and primary school trainers and teachers (‘The Adventures of Hocus and Lotus’) implemented in IT, UK, DE, FR, ES into the BG, RO and TK national and sectoral training systems Target group: Teacher-trainers (→ train other teachers) Primary school children Results: A new teaching and training method (paper-based, CD-ROM, website)
Learning by Moving Lingua 1 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Lithuania, Germany, Italy, Romania,Poland, Malta, UK Objectives: promote European citizenship via language learning provide assistance in raising civil awareness of multilingual aspect of the EU stimulate self-learning and Life Long Learning (LLL) facilitate promotion of native languages and Least Widely Used European Language (LWUEL) facilitate access to language learning facilitate students and labour force mobility in EU Target group: the general public, with emphasis on disadvantaged groups Results: Acquisition of the first stages in learning a foreign language
EAT Eating Abroad Together ( ) KA2 project financed by the EC under the LLP Partner countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Netherlands,the UK Objectives promoting language learning and linguistic diversity improving the quality, attractiveness and accessibility of language learning by developing and promoting methodologies that are innovative and fun developing materials for teaching language and cultural awareness promoting multilingual comprehension through effective dissemination activities Target group: children aged 7-12 (20 committed primary schools ) Results: Workshops in schools with the children Online data bank with healthy eating information collected by the children
Promoting the cross-border tourism in Iasi - Ungheni Partners: EuroEd Foundation, the Entrepreneurial Tourism Association of Iasi, the Ungheni County Council Objectives promoting tourism in the Iasi – Ungheni Region sustaining and developing services in tourism by opening an information office by the end of the project building a website for promoting the tourism in this region organising courses for training the staff working in touristic facilities in these regions organising English courses for staff working with tourists