©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 ©2013 Energy Technologies Institute LLP The information in this document is the property of Energy Technologies Institute LLP and may not be copied or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Energy Technologies Institute LLP. This information is given in good faith based upon the latest information available to Energy Technologies Institute LLP, no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon Energy Technologies Institute LLP or any of its subsidiary or associated companies. How understanding people will help decarbonise heat Matthew Lipson, Head of Consumer Insight
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 ETI technology programme areas ETI Members
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 Smart Systems and Heat Creating future-proof and economic local heating solutions for the UK by connecting together – the understanding of consumer needs and behaviour… with the development and integration of technologies… and new business models… into delivering – enhanced knowledge amongst industry and public sector resulting in – industry and investor confidence to implement from 2020… which enables a UK heat transition
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 Broad overview then focus in on critical areas Reviewed existing evidence (273 papers on domestic heat use; 151 papers on comfort) 38 focus groups with 183 participants to explore the diversity of views, where there is consensus and which issues are contentious Interviews in 63 homes to understand heat use at home (revisited 30 four times to understand change and included 33 living with low carbon technologies). Monitored 30 homes for a year to go beyond what people say to understand what they do Surveyed 2,313 households to quantify how many people use heat in these ways Modelling to quantify the heat this uses Small scale field trial in 12 homes to understand how people use remote and zonal heating controls Usability evaluation of 7 heating controls What people say What people do How much heat this uses How many do this Research approach Consortium lead by: Social research by:
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 Early insight Heat is invisible yet integral to an enriching home life It is hard for households to choose how they use heat at home
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 How we are using insight One example of how we are using this insight is to accelerate heating control technologies. We have issued two requests for proposals to develop better heating controls and gather robust evidence on how they work in practice. We will use this evidence to catalyse a transition to a lower carbon energy system.
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 Summary The ETI is working with government, industry and academia to harness technologies that will increase energy efficiency and reduce CO 2. The Smart Systems and Heat Programme is building a capability to design and deliver practical, cost-effective, energy efficient, local heat systems. We have started a range of projects to understand what people need heat for and how this could be provided using less carbon. Early evidence reveals the need to improve control within homes and support more strategic local area heat planning. We are actively forming partnerships required to meet this challenge.
©2014 Energy Technologies Institute LLP - Subject to notes on page 1 For more information about the ETI visit For the latest ETI news and announcements The ETI can also be followed on Registered Office Energy Technologies Institute Holywell Building Holywell Park Loughborough LE11 3UZ For all general enquiries telephone the ETI on Energy Technologies Institute (SSH) 6220 Bishops Court Birmingham Business Park B37 7YB