Wrocław – Wrocław – the largest city in western Poland, nearly inhabitants; meeting place of nations, cultures, religions, one of the most beautiful Market Squares and town halls in Europe Wrocław – capital of Lower Silesia
Wrocław – Wrocław – major academic center, students, 26 universities and schools of higher education, city of 10 Nobel Prize winners Higher Education in Wrocław Wrocław University of Technology established in 1945 over students University of Wrocław established in 1702 over students Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław Medical University, Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Music …
Wrocław University of Technology the largest employer in Wrocław the second largest employer in Lower Silesia Faculties 12 Students Ph.D. students Employees Academicians therein Professors 395 Associate Professors 240 Doctors branches in Jelenia Gora, Legnica, Walbrzych Wrocław University of Technology Figures
over 250 over 250 buildings with modern laboratories, libraries and multimedia teaching rooms 350 teaching rooms 350 teaching rooms and lecture studios volumes 4 500above scientific journals 200above 200 data bases electronic books over 460 over 460 didactics laboratories over 100 over 100 computer laboratories with 24h computer laboratories and reading rooms with 24h internet connection free of charge access free of charge access to the software including: Microsoft, SAS Institute, MatLab, Origin, Statistica, LabView, ANSYS Academic Teaching Introductory, Autocad Teaching facilities & library
12 faculties – over 40 fields of study Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Electronics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Mining Engineering Faculty of Environmental Engineering Faculty of Computer Science and Management Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics
Programmes taught in English Bachelor Programmes Architecture Computer Science Information and Communication Management Organizational Management Mechanics and Machine Building Master Programmes Architecture Spatial Planning Civil Engineering Bioinformatics Medicinal Chemistry Chemical Metallurgy Organic and Polymer Chemistry Advanced Materials Environmental Health and Safety Risk Management Molecular nano-bio-photonics for telecommunication and biotechnologies Modern Telecommunications
International exchange programmes LLP-Erasmus: number of students departing to study abroad: 281 number of students departing abroad for the internships: 89 number of students coming to study from abroad: 268 number of employees departing to give lectures: 95 number of employees departing for trainings: 23 number of partner universities: 215 Bilateral agreements: over 309 valid agreements in the frames of Erasmus+ programme International co-operation agreements: 14 intercollegiate agreements
LLP Erasmus – study and trainings abroad for students Leonardo da Vinci – intrernships for graduates Erasmus Mundus Programme (Action 1, Action 2) Vulcanus in Japan – placements for students in Japanese enterprises T.I.M.E. Top Industrial Managers for Europe Association – double diploma Visiting Professors PRAXIS –Internship Excellence Project International Summer Schools – workschops for international studennts International exchange programmes
International project Wrocław Ponts MBA Sister Programs ENPC MBA Paris Solvay-Ponts MBA, Brussels Shanghai International MBA (SIMBA), China ENPC MBA Paris Solvay-Ponts MBA, Brussels Shanghai International MBA (SIMBA), China Wrocław Ponts MBA, Wrocław EHTP Ponts MBA, Casablanca, Morocco Wrocław Ponts MBA is the first and the MBA programme in Poland offered in a network of partners accredited by MBA Association.
International projects Partnership Project REACT - University Administrative Staff Closer to Foreign Students Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus Universidad de Almeria Universidade do Porto Wroclaw University of Technology Aims: to provide tools to improve staff members' skills as regards supporting foreign students, broadening horizons and administrative staff's perception of international students’ needs, opening and sensitising them to their problems, as well as making people aware of the necessity to improve their knowledge of foreign languages, the role of training in cultural differences and student - client - care.