Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub- programme and the TOI action
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Policy: European Commission Programme Implementation: Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Policy documentsManagement of centralised actions Programme definitionCalls, selection, contracts PrioritiesMonitoring, acceptance, payments CommitteesClustering & dissemination Impact analysisResults & feedback Management of decentralised actions via National Agencies
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Media 2007 Europe for Citizens Culture 2007 Youth in Action Lifelong Learning Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action The Life Long Learning Programme (LLP) supports learning opportunities from childhood to old age in every single life situation. It has a budget of 7000 millions € for the period , and is the successor to the current Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and eLearning programmes. It is composed of 4 sectoral sub-programmes, 4 transversal programmes and the Jean Monnet programme.
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action 4 sectoral sub-programmes: Comenius: Actions for schools Erasmus: Higher education Leonardo da Vinci: Vocational education and training Grundtvig: Adult education 4 transversal programmes: Activities in four themed areas across all sectors of education and training (Key Activity 1, Key Activity 2, Key Activity 3, Key Activity 4) Jean Monnet Programme: Supports institutions and actions in favour of European integration
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Leonardo da Vinci Specific Objectives: Is a Community programme to promote cooperation in vocational education and training. Aims at: – Supporting participants in training activities in the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and labour market participation; – Supporting improvements in quality and innovation in VET systems, institutions and practices; – Enhancing the attractiveness of VET and mobility for employers and individuals and facilitating the mobility of working trainees.
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Leonardo da Vinci Operational Objectives: a) Improve quality and increase volume of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in initial vocational education and training and in continuing training so as to increase placements in enterprises to at least per year; b) Improve quality and increase volume of cooperation between institutions or organisations providing learning opportunities, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies throughout Europe; c) Facilitate innovative practices development in vocational education and training, other than at tertiary level, and their transfer even between participating countries; d) Improve transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, including those acquired through non-formal and informal learning; e) Encourage the learning of modern foreign languages; f) Support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning;
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Centralised Actions: Multilateral projects on development of innovation (DOI) Thematic networks Accompanying measures Decentralised Actions: Mobility Partnership Multilateral projects on transfer of innovation (TOI)
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action The aim of Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects ‘Transfer of Innovation’ is to improve the quality and attractiveness of the European VET system by adapting and integrating innovative content or results from previous Leonardo da Vinci Projects, or from other innovative projects into public and/or private vocational training systems and companies at the national, local, regional, or sectoral level.
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action The process for transferring innovative training content or results will include the following: Identifying and analysing targeted user requirements Selecting and analysing innovative content to meet these requirements and analysing the feasibility of transfer Integrating (or certifying) it in European, national, regional, local and/or sectoral training systems and practices. This implies: Adapting it to the training systems, culture, needs and requirements of targeted users (updating the product, etc.) Transferring it to new socio-cultural and linguistic contexts Using it in new sectors or new target groups, including piloting it in public or private training structures.
Kick-off Meeting Granada, 16-17/04/2009 An introduction to LLP, LdV sub-programme and the TOI action Thank you for your attention!