PProtecting the environment is very difficult and important task on which depends our future. The environmental damages are extremely large and that could be seen mainly in the natural disasters which overtake us now.
In order to protect the environment we must stop cutting the forests indiscriminately, to stop polluting the waters with toxic substances, in generally to have different attitude because it all depends to all of us.
IT’S TIME TO MAKE SOMETHING BECAUSE: We care about the nature. We should demonstrate our position in order to save the nature. We want Bulgaria to set up clear ecologic politics. We lose our nature every day and hour.
Every day forests with an area of a dozen football playgrounds are being cut down by the people.
The Protected area Kamchiiski Pqsuci, which includes the longest sandy beach in Bulgaria was removed because of private interests.
The mountain of sacraments – Strandja, the largest protected territory will lose its protected status.
Near Bojurets and Topola a years old steppe vegetation – Bulgarian and European treasure has been destroyed in order to be build golf playgrounds.
Irakly – a place visible by the soul and one of the most energetic recess in Bulgaria is an object of thousands investment passions.
Pirin National Park has become an example of crime remained unpunished, ski routes, cut forests caused not only loss of thousands animals homes and their murder but erosion which worsened the quality of drinking water as well.
It’s important that we are concerned about what we leave behind us every day.
ПРОЕКТ №LLP-2011-COM-MP-117 “ДА ЖИВЕЕМ В ПО-ЧИСТ СВЯТ” Финансиран от ЕС Програма “Учене през целия живот”, секторна програма “Коменски” Стойност на проекта EUR Продължителност: г. Настоящият документ е изготвен с финансовата помощ на Европейския съюз. ПГ “Г. С. Раковски” носи цялата отговорност за съдържанието на настоящия документ и при никакви обстоятелства не може да се приеме като официала позиция на Европейския съюз.