Treasurer’s Report Ralph Tingle ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2012
What it covers Financial results for 2011 How we compared to similar charities Balance Sheet and Investments Latest Position for 2012 Reserves Conclusion
Original Budget for 2011 National ProgrammesLocal GroupsTotal £’000 Income16,8543,60020,454 Expenditure(21,983)(2,800)(24,783) Surplus/(Deficit) (5,129) 800 (4,329)
Overall Position for 2011 National ProgrammesLocal groupsTotal £’000 Income17,9823,94121,923 Expenditure(20,867)(2,814)(23,681) Surplus/(Deficit) (2,885) 1,127 (1,758) Gain / (loss) on Investments 268 (2) 266 Transfer of Funds 1,773(1,773) - Net (Deficit) (844) (648) (1,492)
How each £1 was earned Legacies 44p Donations and Membership 42p Trading and Events 10p Investment income 2p Grants and other income 2p
2011 – Where each £1 came from Local Groups 18p National Programmes 82p
How each £1 was spent Friendship and Support 31p Information 23p Research 20p Cost of generating funds 18p Campaigning 6p Governance costs 2p
Expenditure by type (£m) £m
Expenditure compared to similar charities
Return on fundraising compared to similar charities £
Balance Sheet at 31 Dec 2011 £’000 Buildings / other tangible fixed assets 2,407 Investments and short term cash deposits21,045 23,452 Cashat hand 6,496 Amounts owing to us 1,410 Amounts owing or committed by us(14,250) NET ASSETS = RESERVES17,108
Latest Position for 2012 Budget Latest Forecast £’000 Income23,57623,545 Expenditure(27,000)(26,922) Deficit (3,424) (3,377) Gain / (loss) on Investments 175 Net Deficit (3,249) (3,202)
Latest Forecast of Published Reserves National ProgrammesLocal groupsTotal £’000 Balance 31/12/1011,2457,35518,600 Movement in 2011 (844) (648) (1,492) Balance 31/12/1110,4016,707 17,108 Forecast Movement 2012 (2,702) (500) (3,202) Forecast 31/12/12 7,6996,207 13,906
Number of months spend held in reserves Year Months forecast
Conclusion Income continues to grow – and beat expectations Increased investment in core activities continues Performing well compared to similar charities Reserves reducing but pressures remain to address high levels of local reserves Approval given to the Financial Statements by Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP Financial Statements require adoption by Annual General Meeting
Any questions? ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2012