ICMMS Integrated Computerized Maintenance Management System
ICMMS A Joint Venture Between GE Marquette Medical Systems and St. Croix Systems, Inc. A Joint Venture Between GE Marquette Medical Systems and St. Croix Systems, Inc.
GE Marquette Medical Systems A World-Wide Leader in the Development, Sales, and Support of Patient Monitoring Systems and Cardiology Systems
St. Croix Systems, Inc. A Leading Developer of Innovative and Cost-Effective Software Products for Biomedical Engineering, Plant Operations, and other Healthcare Service Professionals for Equipment, Asset, and Technology Management
St. Croix Systems, Inc. 4WOSYST was Developed in a Hospital Setting for Biomedical Engineering & Plant Operations 4WOSYST has a 10+ Year History of Proven Performance in Healthcare 4SCS Training & Technical Support Provided by Experienced Healthcare Service Professionals 424x7 Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Service Management Software for Best Clinical Engineering Management Software
SCS Products WOSYST -Equipment Management Software Service Requester -Electronic Requisition with 2-Way Communication WOSYST Portable -Field Service Software W-Page -Alpha Numeric Multi-User Paging Software
Additional Products 4ICMMS -Integrated Computerized Maintenance Management System 4WOSYST Wearable Workstation -Combines WOSYST with the ViA II Wearable PC, a full powered Windows 98 workstation worn around your waist 4PIVIT for WOSYST -Specialized reporting and graphing software 4Clarion ReportWriter for Windows -A Report Writer that directly accesses WOSYST data 4TopSpeed ODBC Software -Export data to another program for reporting & graphing
The Power of WOSYST 4Advanced Scheduling System 4Full Featured & Flexible Management System 4Easy to Use 4Comprehensive Reporting System 4Support 4Value 4ICMMS
ICMMS 4The idea for ICMMS was developed by Marquette Medical Systems 4Marquette evaluated all the CMMS software programs currently available 4Chose St. Croix Systems to partner with 4ICMMS Development began in ICMMS Released by GE Marquette in ICMMS is a unique product only available from GE Marquette and St. Croix Systems
ICMMS 4ICMMS is an interface between: -GE Marquette’s Unity network/patient monitoring equipment and St. Croix Systems’ WOSYST software 4One-way interface from the Unity network to WOSYST 4No FDA approval required 4Octacomm and Octanet allow other devices to be included with the ICMMS interface 4ICMMS was able to be developed because GE Marquette uses the Windows NT based Unity network and because of the power provided by WOSYST
ICMMS Features 4Exact bed location of devices -Tram modules, etc., included in next version 4Hour usage and scheduling of devices 4Patient admit and discharge status 4WOW! (WOsyst Watch) -Allows a BMET to set an alarm for automatic paging if the patient is discharged and/or the monitor is turned off
ICMMS Value 4Proven Line of Patient Monitoring Equipment 4Proven Line of Software Products 4Variety of Products to Interface w/WOSYST 4Support Provided by Experienced Healthcare Service Professionals 4ICMMS/WOSYST can be Purchased along with GE Marquette Monitoring Equipment 4The Most Hardware, Software, & Support for the Money
St. Croix Systems, Inc. AnticipatingUnderstandingProviding Anticipating Understanding Providing