Conclusion(2) Different data were involved in each study, as present in table 1. Hard to determining the most successful technique. PSD were used to compared filtered data with original lung sound within and outside heart sound region is most useful [14], [21], [25], [29], [32], [35]. Strict qualitative was achieved in only one study[25] by a panel unbiased researchers listen before and after reduction, and fill out a questionnaires.
Conclusion(3) Indeed, all studies were based on data that had been in acquired under ideal conditions, such as a quiet environment, and also in know cardiac and respiratory state, with most subjects being healthy. In addition, heart sound cancellation studies did not account for heart sounds other than first and second sounds.
Conclusion(4) The potential useful of any method for filtering heart sound from lung sound rests on its ability to perform clinical setting. Future study need to focus on challenging the performance of techniques in data recording that are appropriate to clinical application in terms of environment and respiratory cardiac illness.
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