NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Toward Automating Patient-Specific Finite Element Model Development Nicole M. Grosland,


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Presentation transcript:

NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Toward Automating Patient-Specific Finite Element Model Development Nicole M. Grosland, Vincent A. Magnotta, Kiran H. Shivanna, Steve Pieper, Curt Lisle

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Patient Specific Models In order to bring FE to the “bedside” for guiding surgical procedures the technique must be unencumbered from the image segmentation and mesh generation process Overcome the limitations associated with individualized, or patient-specific models

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Goal and Obstacles Goal –Integrate meshing generation tool into Slicer3 that would allow for the rapid development of hexahedral meshes from imaging data Obstacles –IA-FEMesh was relatively immature –Slicer3 was relatively immature

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Solution Moved development of IA-FEMesh to KWWidgets Built an infrastructure that could be easily integrated into Slicer3 Added support to Slicer3 for new types of objects –Unstructured grids –New visualization pipelines Allowed development to progress in parallel

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Integrating with Slicer3 VTK rendering pipelines converted to use MRML display nodes for rendering in Slicer3 Separate MRML display nodes were created for each datatype in the meshing workflow

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Workflow Slicer3 Load Images Segmentation - Manual - EMS Surface Generation IA-FEMesh Module Building Block(s) - Creation - Editing - Mesh Density Mesh Generation - Quality Eval - Improvement Material Properties - Constant - Image-Based - Element Sets Boundary Conditions - Node Sets Analysis ABAQUS Other packages - Ansys - Adina - Etc…

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Significant Achievements Created a number of new 3D VTK Widgets Developed a new workflow style to simplify mesh development Developed a tutorial for the meshing workflow and held a workshop Integrated this tool into a Finite Element course Meshed a number of complex anatomic structures

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing 3D VTK Widgets

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Meshing Module Slicer3 Integration

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing FEA Course: Student Work

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Example Meshes

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Example Meshes

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Publications Grosland NM, Bafna R, Magnotta VA., Automated hexahedral meshing of anatomic structures using deformable registration. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin Feb;12(1): [PMC Journal - In Process] Grosland NM, Shivanna KH, Magnotta VA, Kallemeyn NA, DeVries NA, Tadepalli SC, Lisle C., IA-FEMesh: An open-source, interactive, multiblock approach to musculoskeletal finite element model development, Comput Methods Programs Biomed Apr;94(1): [NIHMS101589] Kallemeyn NA, Tadepalli SC, Shivanna KH, Grosland NM, An interactive multiblock approach to meshing the spine, Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2009, Sep;95(3): DeVries NA, Shivanna KH, Tadepalli SC, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM, IA-FEMesh: Anatomic FE models – a check of mesh accuracy and validity. Iowa Orthop J, Iowa Orthop J. 2009; 29: 48–54. [PMCID: PMC ] Tadepalli, S.C., K.H. Shivanna, V.A. Magnotta, N.A. Kallemeyn, and N.M. Grosland, Toward the development of virtual surgical tools to aid orthopaedic FE analyses. Advances in Signal Processing (Special edition: Image Processing and Analysis in Biomechanics), 2009 (accepted). Ramme AJ, Shivanna KH, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM, Automated Building Block Definitions to Aid Multiblock Hexahedral Meshing of Bony Structures (submitted). Shivanna KH, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM, Feature based multiblock finite element mesh generation, Comput Methods Programs Biomed. (submitted)

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Status Meshing workflow is complete –All 3D widgets work in Slicer3 Completing sharing of data between Slicer3 and meshing module –Scheduling visit to Iowa by Curt Lisle to complete this work Putting final touches on testing framework

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Future Work Submission of software development and maintenance grant –Mesh improvement strategies –Automate building block definitions –Mapped meshing Renewal of NA-MIC Collaboration Grant (EB005973) –Development of tools to simulate surgical simulations –Enhancements of meshing algorithms to accommodate increasingly complex anatomical structures –Mesh improvement strategies –Validate these approaches

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Acknowledgements Grant funding NIH/NIBIB –R21 (EB001501) –R01 (EB005973) Nicole Kallemeyn, Nicole DeVries, Esther Gassman, Ritesh Bafna, Srinivas Tadepalli, Austin Ramme, Wen Li, Dr. Brian Adams

National Alliance for Medical Image Computing