Institute for Biomedical Engineering (ETH Zurich) and Empirical Research in Economics (Univ. of Zurich) Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 fMRI Single Subject Analysis & Batch Programming Lars Kasper
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Overview 2Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Quality Assessment of Raw Data Spatial Preprocessing Realign and Unwarp Coregister General Linear Model: The Design Matrix Estimating the Model Results: Defining and Analyzing Contrasts Reporting and Summarizing Outlook: What to do with a lot of single subject results
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING RealignmentSmoothing Normalisation General linear model Statistical parametric map (SPM) Image time-series Parameter estimates Design matrix Template Kernel Gaussian field theory p <0.05 Statisticalinference Overview of SPM
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Goals of this tutorial After finishing this session, you should be able to Analyze single subject fMRI datasets using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of SPM 2.The Batch Editor of SPM 3.A template Matlab.m-file to batch very flexibly 4Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Batch processing of data Repeats same data analysis for many subjects (>=2) Not prone to human errors, reproducible what was done e. g. jobs mat-files Runs automatically, no supervision needed Researcher can concentrate on assessing the results CAVEAT: Tempting to forget about all analysis steps in between which could lead to errors in your conclusions Therefore: Always make sure, that meaningful results were created at each step Using Display/CheckReg to view raw data, preprocessed data Using spm_print to save reported supplementary data output If anything went wrong, use debugging 5Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Introducing the Dataset Rik Henson‘s famous vs non-famous faces dataset Includes a manual with step-by-step instruction for analysis (homework ;-)) Download from SPM homepage (available for SPM5, but works fine with SPM8b) 6Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Introducing the Dataset Factorial 2 x 2 design to investigate repetition suppression Question: Influence of repeated stimulus presentation on brain activity (accomodation of response)? Each stimulus (pictures of faces) presented twice during a session Condition Rep, Level: 1 or 2 lag between presentations randomized 26 Famous and 26 non-famous faces to differentiate between familiarity (long-term memory) and repetition Condition Fam, Level F(amous) and N(onfamous) Task: Decision whether famous or nonfamous (button-press) 7Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Introducing the Dataset: Published Results a.Right Fusiform face area Repetition suppression for familiar/famous faces b.Left Occipital face area (posterior, occip. extrastriate) Repetition suppression for familiar AND unfamiliar faces c.Posterior cingulate and bilateral parietal cortex Repetition enhancement 8Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Overview 9Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Quality Assessment of Raw Data Spatial Preprocessing Realign and Unwarp Coregister General Linear Model: The Design Matrix Estimating the Model Results: Defining and Analyzing Contrasts Reporting and Summarizing Outlook: What to do with a lot of single subject results
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Overview 10Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Quality Assessment of Raw Data Spatial Preprocessing Realign and Unwarp Coregister General Linear Model: The Design Matrix Estimating the Model Results: Defining and Analyzing Contrasts Reporting and Summarizing Outlook: What to do with a lot of single subject results
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Spatial Preprocessing – Realign sd 11Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) FORMAT P = spm_realign (P,flags) GUI Batch Editor Batch File
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Spatial Preprocessing – Unwarp 12Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) uw_params= spm_uw_estimate (P,uw_est_flags); spm_uw_apply (uw_params,uw_write_ flags); GUI Batch Editor Batch File
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Uh…this takes ages… Now you can probably value the benefits of batch processing. If you are still keen on doing all that by hand (good exercise!), refer to the following The SPM manual Most current version in your spm8b-folder, sub-folder man/manual.pdf Rik Henson‘s famous vs non-famous faces dataset Included in SPM manual, chapter 29, with step-by-step instruction for analysis Available for SPM5, but works fine with SPM8b 13Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Overview 14Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Quality Assessment of Raw Data Spatial Preprocessing Realign and Unwarp Coregister General Linear Model: The Design Matrix Estimating the Model Results: Defining and Analyzing Contrasts Reporting and Summarizing Outlook: What to do with a lot of single subject results
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Overview 15Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Quality Assessment of Raw Data Spatial Preprocessing Realign and Unwarp Coregister General Linear Model: The Design Matrix Estimating the Model Results: Defining and Analyzing Contrasts Reporting and Summarizing Outlook: What to do with a lot of single subject results
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING General Workflow for the batch interface 16Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09) Top-down approach Specify subject-independent data/analysis steps Specify subject-independent file-dependencies (data flow) 3.Specify subject-related data (e.g. event-timing)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING 1. The subject-independent analysis parts Load all modules first (in right order!) Then specify details (where Xs are found) which are subject independent TR Nslices model factors contrasts of interest 17Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING 2. Data-flow specification (subject-independent dependencies) Specify, which results of which steps are input to another step (DEP-sign) e.g. smoothed images needed for model spec Afterwards save this job as template.mat file 18Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING 3. Add subject-dependent data/information Essentially go to all X‘s and fill in appropriate values e.g. the.mat-file of the conditions onsets/durations Save this job as subject-batch file & Run 19Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING 4. Making it multi-subject 1.Make sure, parameters to be adjusted have an X (clear value) for the single subject template 2.Specify a meta-job with Run batch 3.Create one run for every subject and add missing parameter values (in right order) 20Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Resources and Useful Literature All step-by-step instructions can be found in the SPM manual, chapter 35 Also multiple-session and multiple subjects processing included Batch templates are in your spm path: Configured subject-independent analysis steps /man/batch/face_single_subject_template_nodeps.m With dependencies included /man/batch/face_single_subject_template.m With multiple subjects /man/batch/face_multi_subject_template.m 21Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Many, many thanks to Klaas Enno Stephan The SPM developers (FIL methods group) 22Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Extending the batchfile with SPM GUI functions Debugging Generally a good idea to find out, how things work in SPM Crucial for batch-programming using a.m-file Here: debug spm.m by setting a breakpoint If called function found, use edit.m to look at the %comments in the file 23Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)
Z URICH SPM C OURSE 2009 S INGLE S UBJECT A NALYSIS B ATCH P ROGRAMMING Tuning the engine – Matlab workspace variables e.g. to manipulate SPM.mat or jobs by hand also important during debugging, how variables are defined and changed 24Computational Neuroeconomics (Prof. Stephan, IEW) / MR-Technology (Prof. Prüssmann, IBT)Lars Kasper (11-Feb-09)