Results of call for DS, CNI, AM 2. Information on next call for TA, I3, CA, AM 3. Towards Research Infrastructures in FP7 Presentation by P. Moschopoulos OPTICON, Grenoble, October 2004
Results of call for: Design Studies, Construction of New Infrastructures and Accompanying Measures
FP6 actions in favour of RI Actions implemented: Actions implemented: –1. Transnational Access to RI –2. Integrating Activities: 2.1. Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives2.1. Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives 2.2. Coordination actions2.2. Coordination actions –3. Electronic Communication Network Development –4. Design studies in preparation of new RI –5. Development (Construction) of new RI –6. Accompanying Measures To be covered: all fields of S/T To be covered: all fields of S/T
FP Infrastructures-4 Call outline Indicative budget: 70 million €; Indicative budget: 70 million €; –to cover all fields of S&T; Call deadline: 4 March 2004; Call deadline: 4 March 2004; Proposals received: 121 (93 submitted by EPSS); Proposals received: 121 (93 submitted by EPSS); –3 ineligible; Proposals evaluated: 118; Proposals evaluated: 118; –55 Design studies (DS); –34 Construction of new infrastructures (CNI); –29 Accompanying measures (AM).
Funding requested
Proposals in priority list DS - CNI - AM 1 European FEL (FEL) 2 Global TeV Linear Collider (Oth - Acc) 3 Extremely Large Telescope (Astr) 4 European Virtual Observatory (Astr) 5 Airborne Global Observing System (Env) 6 Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (Nuclear Ph) 7 Multilingual resources infrastructure (ESH) 8 Early gene expression facility (BioMed) 9 Upgrade of the ISIS Neutron Spallation source (Neutrons, Muons) 10 Integrated Structural Biology centre (Biology) 11 European Census data - Dissemination (ESH) 12 Underground facility on Safety and Security (Structural Engineering) 13 Incoherent Scatter Radar (Oth - Radar) 14 Honeypots (Computers) 15 Tax benefit simulation model (ESH) 16 Sustainable aquaculture centre (Env) 17 European Census data - Integration (ESH) 18 Carbohydrate database (BioMed) 19 Marine chemical ecology centre (Env) 20 Highly contagious diseases centre (BioMed)
Proposals in reserve list DS - CNI - AM mm wafer R&D plant (Nanotech) 22 NG pulsed magnets (H Magnetic F) 23 Ion & antiproton beams (Nuclear Ph) 24 Km 2 array (Radioastronomy) 25 DNP for Structural Biology (Bio-NMR) 26 NG of X-ray scattering (Synchrotrons) 27 Bio-nanotech plant (Biology) 28 Ion & antiproton beams phase1 (Nuclear Ph) 29 ALMA (Radioastronomy) 30 Km 2 neutrino detector (Astroparticles)
Next call for: Transnational Access, Integrating Activities and Accompanying Measures
FP6 actions in favour of RI Actions implemented: Actions implemented: –1. Transnational Access to RI –2. Integrating Activities: 2.1. Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives2.1. Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives 2.2. Coordination actions2.2. Coordination actions –3. Electronic Communication Network Development –4. Design studies in preparation of new RI –5. Development (Construction) of new RI –6. Accompanying Measures To be covered: all fields of S/T To be covered: all fields of S/T
FP Infrastructures-5 Call outline (1) Publication date: 4 November 2004 Publication date: 4 November 2004 Call deadline: 3 March 2005 Call deadline: 3 March 2005 Remote evaluation: March - April 2005 Remote evaluation: March - April 2005 Panel meetings: Brussels, 9-13 May 2005 Panel meetings: Brussels, 9-13 May 2005 Results: available in July Results: available in July Negotiations: Sept Dec Negotiations: Sept Dec First contracts: January 2006 First contracts: January 2006 All fields of S&T are covered All fields of S&T are covered
FP Infrastructures-5 Call outline (2) Indicative budget: 145 million € Indicative budget: 145 million € –Integrating Activities (CA, I3): 126 million € –Transnational Access (SSA): 17 million € –Accompanying Measures (SSA): 2 million € Expected proposals: 150 Expected proposals: 150 –Integrating Activities (CA, I3): 50 –Transnational Access (SSA): 70 –Accompanying Measures (SSA): 30 3 ranking lists 3 ranking lists
FP Infrastructures-5 Evaluation procedure Expert evaluators: 90 (+ Chairman + Independent Observer) Expert evaluators: 90 (+ Chairman + Independent Observer) 5 thematic sub-panels for Integrating Activities and Transnational Access 5 thematic sub-panels for Integrating Activities and Transnational Access One multidisciplinary sub-panel for Accompanying Measures One multidisciplinary sub-panel for Accompanying Measures
Main differences between call 1 and the new call 5 I3: I3: –All three activities (Networking, Access, Joint Research) are mandatory AM: AM: –Round-table workshops not supported General: General: –Final threshold increased –Some specific evaluation criteria modified (see revised Work Programme) –Results from previous calls taken into account
Summary of FP6 support to RI Budget increased from 655 to 738 M€ First call for TA, IA: M€ First call for TA, IA: M€ First calls for Géant / Grids: 150 M€ First calls for Géant / Grids: 150 M€ (Remaining to allocate: 80 M€ for a (Remaining to allocate: 80 M€ for a “Consolidation” call and a 2nd “Grids” call) “Consolidation” call and a 2nd “Grids” call) First call for DS, CNI, AM: M€ (Remaining to allocate: 48 M€ to a First call for DS, CNI, AM: M€ (Remaining to allocate: 48 M€ to a new call or funding of more proposals) Last call for TA, IA, AM: 145 M€ Last call for TA, IA, AM: 145 M€
Towards Research Infrastructures in FP7
From FP6 to FP7: European Strategy Forum on RI Objectives Objectives –Support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy making on RI in Europe –Facilitate multilateral initiatives for the development of RI: best use of existing infrastructures and creation of new ones Achievements Achievements –Strategy roadmaps and coordination: neutron sources, free electron lasers, marine science, social sciences infrastructures Future: reinforcement and consolidation of ESFRI role Future: reinforcement and consolidation of ESFRI role –Coherent strategic agenda, improved working methods, common approaches, multilateral initiatives –Contacts with EIRO forum and other stakeholders
First thoughts Continuation of the FP6 actions on RI Continuation of the FP6 actions on RI Discussion on the actions related to the construction and functioning of new infrastructures of EU interest Discussion on the actions related to the construction and functioning of new infrastructures of EU interest –through a ‘TEN’ – like mechanism ? –taking into account strategic criteria on: a priority lista priority list the location of new RIthe location of new RI Perspectives of collaboration with the EU Structural funds and the EIB Perspectives of collaboration with the EU Structural funds and the EIB
A “top-down” approach Support for the development of future RI of EU interest based on: Support for the development of future RI of EU interest based on: –a strategic, long term vision and identification of priority needs for large, new or upgraded RI in the next years: roadmap(s) –more targeted support for specific RI projects –increased use of financial engineering to support new RI In consultation with ESFRI In consultation with ESFRI In close cooperation with EIRO forum, ESF, and other potential stakeholders In close cooperation with EIRO forum, ESF, and other potential stakeholders
Strategic Roadmap(s) Strategic Roadmap(s) Guiding Principles: Guiding Principles: –Clear methodology for elaborating the roadmap(s) –Transparency and impartiality –Support by all stakeholders –Endorsement by the Council of Ministers –Periodic revision(s) Criteria for inclusion: Criteria for inclusion: –New infrastructures (or major upgrades) –Scientific importance and excellence –Endorsement by the EU scientific community –Technology feasibility study exists –Justification for EC intervention Criteria for prioritisation: Criteria for prioritisation: –Timeliness and readiness for construction –Management and long-term budget estimates –Potential impacts and long term user needs –International added value
Proposed priority list of new RI Council Resolution Inclusion in Specific RTD Programme(s) Inclusion in FEDER RELEX strategic plans Stakeholders incl. EIROs Member states European Commission Inclusion in national Programmes Projects EIB
Design studies Construction Running costs, upgrades and interconnections M€ FP With continuous national support, also for running costs FEDER BEI Agencies Private Other Timeline: 20 to 50 years FP7 and after: Levels of support at project level Preliminary studies
Next Steps Consolidation of approaches: Autumn 2004 Consolidation of approaches: Autumn 2004 Working groups & task forces: Winter Summer 2005 Working groups & task forces: Winter Summer 2005 First elements for an EU draft roadmap: Summer 2005 First elements for an EU draft roadmap: Summer 2005 Commission draft communication: Autumn 2005 Commission draft communication: Autumn 2005 Specific programme: Spring 2006 Specific programme: Spring 2006
Further Information General information on research including FP6 General information on research including FP6 – Information about research programmes Information about research programmes – Information on FP6 infrastructures Information on FP6 infrastructures – Information on call FP Infrastructures-5 Information on call FP Infrastructures-5 –