Development of a Web-based, Multimedia Database for Collection, Organization and Analysis of Biomedical Signals M.S.C.S. Problem Report Defense Lan Guo Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Schuckers Committee: Dr. Wils Cooley Dr. Bojan Cukic Dr. George Trapp Computer Science and Electrical Engineering West Virginia University Morgantown, WV
Background: Biomedical Signal (ECG) with an Event (VF) Normal VF Normal
Continuous-time monitoring Analysis of large time-series datasets Data mining, Oracle Prediction and prevention Biomedical Signal Analysis Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death CSEE CEMR Storage and Processing of Signals Collection of Biomedical Signals Example of Biomedical Signals
Objectives To build a web-based database which provides efficient management on data collected by Biomedical Signal Analysis Laboratory To provide these signals to students through web- based front-end to facilitate application-oriented class projects To provide these signals to the public for outreach purposes. To utilize database structure for analysis of signals -- temporal data mining
Project Outline Redesign and implement the back-end database to incorporate other biomedical signal besides ECG signal Recreate a user-friendly web-based interface for data insert and data query Develop a secure FTP method which shields the HP9000 data server from public access Develop an Oracle/Java interface to dynamically display signal on-line
Project Overview Three tiered web-based database application HP9000 DataServer Data Server Oracle8i Oracle 8i Database Database link WebDB Client J D B C Java Applet ServletServlet Web Server Windows NT
Features of Back-end Includes several Large Object (LOB) types, BFILE, which point to biomedical signal file and associated files Provides relevant information regarding the biomedical signals and corresponding signal processing data Includes mapping of events within a file and relationship of events to similar events in other files A small database managing a terabyte of data on HP 9000 server
Back-end Implementation (1) Data structure was redesigned to incorporate other biomedical signals besides ECG signal Tables were recreated to enable users to query both multiple data files and multiplexed data files which contain multiple channels Event tables were modified for querying same events in multiple locations within a data file
Back-end Implementation (2) Views were created for different user groups to query database based on given privileges Views were created for joining all tables for displaying all data associated with a specific biomedical signal Indexes were created for primary key, foreign key, and unique constraint Synonyms were created for each table Sequences were created for each primary key
Features of Front-end(1) A front-end web site was developed in Oracle WebDB The web server is a Windows NT Users are categorized as public, student, and lab employee with different access privileges to database Provides query capability and user-friendly data insert interface including BFILE insert
Features of Front-end(2) Client can download signal data files from query result by secure FTP method Client can view the ECG Signal on-line based on query result Client can view all data stored in the database associated with a specific biomedical signal to which he/she has access
Front-end Implementation(1) Oracle 8i database biomed was created on the web server Oracle WebDB was installed into the biomed database Three Data Access Descriptors (DAD) were created to manage three different user groups Different accounts were created for different user groups with corresponding privileges
Front-end Implementation(2) A database link and views were created for transferring data between the data server and web server PL/SQL procedures were developed and WebDB was explored for developing a web-based interface Java Applets were upgraded to receive parameters Java Servlets with JDBC were created as an Oracle/Java interface for secure FTP and dynamic signal displaying
Interface to Manage User Groups Restrict access to interface for student and lab employee by checking login information
Interface to Insert Data Provides a user- friendly interface to insert data, including BFILE Data referential integrity is reinforced by displaying foreign keys as LOV, which dynamically select the current entry being referenced
Interface to Query Database Can query database fields by different condition, such as =, >,, <, in, not in, etc. Can dynamically query database on various criteria Can select the output format, including file format and report format
Interface to View Query Result Can view the query result and choose biomedical signal for further information and operations
Interface to Perform Various Operations Can choose to download signal files associated with a specific biomedical signal Can choose to view biomedical signals in all channels for a specific signal record Can choose to view all information in database regarding a specific biomedical signal
Download Signal File Can choose channel to download corresponding signal file Can only download files from the web server without knowing the actual data source
Interface to View Signal Data. Can select channel to view signal at different speed and different amplitude Can manually measure signal at both time and amplitude direction Information is dynamically passed to Java Applet from PL/SQL front-end interface by Servlet
This database project provides an efficient means to organize the biomedical signal files and related information The web-based database system built in this project provides a seamless mechanism to search and view the information, and to view the signal on-line The database provides information about particular medical events which can occur in multiple locations within a file and in different files Conclusions (1)
Conclusions (2) The framework of organization will allow analysis of biomedical signal for research conducted in the Biomedical Signal Analysis Laboratory The web-based database project supports on-line class teaching in the area of biomedical signal processing The web-based database project provides secure public access to a portion of the signal database
Future Work Link events that occur during one signal file with the graphical interface Upgrade Java Applet to display more than two channels at the same time for DSI format Upgrade Java Applet to display data file of size greater than 1 MB for ASCII format Develop automatic insert routines which both scan the data for relevant information, interpret, and insert into the database Apply temporal data mining techniques to further research
Acknowledgements Dr. Wils Cooley Dr. Bojan Cukic Dr. Stephanie Schuckers (Chair) Dr. George Trapp Dr. John Atkins Alan Butcher Dr. Juggy Jagannathan Qunying Fan Wei Huang Members in Dr. Schuckers’ lab